LTT Animal || Emergency: Cat Family’s Second Chance, Injured Mother Cat’s Underground Family Rescue

LTT Animal || Emergency: Cat Family's Second Chance, Injured Mother Cat's Underground Family Rescue
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LTT Animal || Emergency: Cat Family’s Second Chance, Injured Mother Cat’s Underground Family Rescue

🐱 Emergency cat family rescue: Watch as we save an injured mother cat and her kittens from their underground shelter. This heartwarming rescue story will touch your heart!

In this emotional rescue, we discovered a desperate mother cat and her precious kittens living in an earthen burrow. The mother was severely injured with mouth wounds and showing signs of rat poison exposure. Despite her condition, she had been bravely caring for her little ones in the most challenging circumstances.

Our dedicated rescue team provided immediate medical attention, including oxygen therapy and first aid. The kittens, though initially scared, were found to be in relatively good health thanks to their mother’s sacrificial care. We transported the entire family to our rescue center, where they received proper veterinary care for parasites, calcium deficiency, and other health issues.

Through days of intensive care and nurturing, we witnessed an incredible transformation. The once-frightened kittens now play freely, while their loving mother continues to heal both physically and emotionally. Their journey from a dire situation to safety shows the power of compassion in action.
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00:00 – Rescuing a family of cats from a dugout burrow
01:18 – Performing CPR on the mother cat
05:42 – Kittens receive formula milk and parasite treatment
07:05 – Family of cats recovering at the shelter
08:03 – Update on mother cat and her kittens


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About the Author: LTT Animal


  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته

  2. نريد ان يكون في المغرب مثل ھذھ الانقادات للحيونات الالبفة المتخلى عنھا في الشارع تتلقى انواعا من العذاب حتى بكون مصيرھا الموت ارحموا من في الارض يرحمكم من في السماء

  3. ママあんなに危険な状態だったのに命を取り留めたんだ…!よかった!1人で子供達のために一生懸命頑張って偉かったね😢

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