200 Shocking Car Crashes of Idiots In Cars Got Instant Karma You Wouldn’t Believe if Not Filmed
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#instantkarma #idiotsincars #weluck
No one was hurt when writing last words
The slow-motion footage adds to the impact but feels overused in some parts.
Train crashes like these remind us why safety rules must always be followed.
You can really see how dangerous it is to ignore railway barriers.
I wonder if some of these accidents could have been prevented with better technology.
The crashes shown were intense, but the editing could have been better.
Watching this makes you realize the importance of proper signaling systems.
It’s insane how much damage trains can cause when things go wrong.
I hope everyone affected by these accidents managed to recover.
The collision at 2:30 was massive—can’t imagine the force involved.
These train crashes are terrifying to watch but a real eye-opener about safety.
niektórzy to prawko chyba w chipsach znaleźli
0:53 Damn!
No one was hurt,,, just died though but he's ok. Stupidity on that narration lol
These wideos are eye openig ldiots ln Cars
2:45 everyone was not ok for what i know the trucker died and maybe acouple more fatalities stop lying in your videos to not get demonotized
saying that no one got hurt is crazy seeing as alot of these videos had people who died in the crashes lets not falsely say people weren't hurt
The first video of the truck blowing up in Italy was put together with different blow up that happened in the states. The highway is different and the signs are in English, ie, “Convention Center”. I do wish we’d get more explanations about outcomes. And the music is unnecessary.
2:16 polska
This video shows just how dangerous driving can be! Its hard to say it is safe on the roads anywhere in the world. When a driver makes a mistake, The consequences can be life changing!
Hyvä video!(Gooooöd.)
I see you're still on with your immature stupid comments!
this is why they exist.?
2:01 seams like somebody is having a shirty day
The lack of attention at crossings causes so many of these crashes.
It’s terrifying how a single mistake can lead to such destruction.
I feel like the video could have been edited better—it’s a bit repetitive.
These accidents show how crucial train safety systems are.
The video quality is a bit poor in some parts; it’s hard to see the details.
Safety barriers should never be ignored—this is why they exist.
The collision at 2:10 was devastating to watch.
Train crashes always remind me how dangerous railways can be.
This is the definition of creativity!
0:53 no one was hurt?