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About the Author: WFAA


  1. Our youths are completely out of touch and its all due to parenting, social media and sissyfiedness. Zero accountability. Zero respect for self and others. Zero common sense. Lost children of God devoured by the ways of the devil. Pick up your Bibles and get to work 🙏🏾☮️

  2. Love that attitude adjustment the girl in the white top got when she tried to physically intervene with the arrest. It certainly improved her behavior from that moment on. "What? You mean I'm not allowed to do whatever I want?!?!?"

  3. All I can say is wow, if these kids don't get some act right they will be having a court appointed attorney, and a plea deal headed to prison. Then we tax payers get to pay for them to get 3 meals and a bed for free to them.

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