We keep doing our rescue mission despite the war in Ukraine!
As more and more people flee the country, more pets are left behind.
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Thank you all for the support in such a difficult time in my country -Ukraine❤🇺🇦🙏
This tore me up. Adopting senior dogs is my passion. I have been giving them Forever Homes for about 20 years. ❤
A lot of biased assumptions you propose. My late staffy when she got old and demented would just wonder away from home (150 acre farm) and we would have to go find her. Dont assume the owner dropped the dog off just because you want to create a false narrative.
''Show mercy and mercy shall be shown unto you.'' – Jesus 😇 💞
it seems like it's painful for him to eat. have you tried to puree his food so he can just lick it up? thank you for saving him
You are exploiting people's sympathy and emotion for your own personal financial gain. Shame on you!
God bless you so glad I clicked😊
I'm not a violent man, but when I see the pain and cruelty inflicted on an innocent animal like this I would have no trouble disposing of the person who did this !!
Poor sweety….heartbreaking. Olena is so kind.
Oh!! How nice of you to save him!
"The RIGHTEOUS one CARES for the domestic animal. The mercies of the EVIL one are CRUEL…"
PROVERBS 12 : 10
He is a very tired old man. Maybe try a different brand of tinned meat? My dog refused the one brand but enjoyed the new brand. He will enjoy the love in his end days. Thanks for helping him!🙏😊🇿🇦
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so very much!!!
Being petted is the last comfort of his life.
Poor Gaffer at least he is taken better care of now God Bless You 😢😢😢😢😢
Thank you 💕 I always wonder why water 💧 isn't given right away?? This poor dog needed it as soon as you approached him. 🐕💕💧🙏
You are an amazing, wonderful person!!! All the best to you, this poor dog that you rescued, and to all animals that cross your path. THIS is how we ALL should act!!!!!!!! Much love!!
You have to be a really really bad human being to do that to a dog you had for year. What a monster
This dog deserved so much better life that he got. Poor thing. I wish he could get at least a few good years now.
Feel both sad and happy… I have 25 doggies i rescued. Nothing in the world can make me abandon them
why is the making of this clip more important than first giving him water
Esta senhora é um anjo.
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. My. Dog. Katie. Was. 17.she.was.a.westie.i.had.to.put.her.to.sleep.two.weeks.ago..she.could.not.handle.anything.anymore.she.was.in.pain.watching.this.thank.you.for.taking.care.of.her..so.sad.😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This is so hard to watch. I have a 90lb American Bulldog who I’ve had for the better part of 10 years. He’s about 13-14 now. His whole life he’s been strong and independent and I love him more than anything on Earth.
His health is starting to go, he can’t walk much or very far and he looks to me now for everything. He can’t get up on or down off the couch without me holding him. He can’t walk unless I brace his back legs.
He needs me now more than he ever has. At this time in his life when he is getting older weaker and more frail I couldn’t even consider abandoning him.
Anyone who abandons any dog to die is a bad person but doubly so if you do so to an old frail dog who can’t survive with out a human companion.
I lost my dog 2 weeks ago to cancer. People who do this to animals just abandon them like they are trash, shouldn't be living
God bless you ❤
I absolutely hate ppl that would abandon an animal. They deserve much better. This day in age, you can hop on the internet and get help or find it a home in no time. Ppl have become absolutely disgusting.
Taking on a dog is a dog long live commitment, if you are not up to that and have the decency to find some one how can do that for your dog if you can not…… your parent would do the same for you why do you not want to do same for your dog. If you do not understand the relation your dog will have to you you should have a dog, if you abandon a dog you failed as a leader of the group, and you should never been in charge of a group if it is kid, dogs, cats , bed bugs. you do not leave living baby's, dogs ,cat, grandmas some were and hope god will take care off them.
Thank you. ❤