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I LOVE THIS STUFF! On The Big Screen TV! I wish i could have met my great great grandfather! Who fought at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and then captured in a skirmish at Jeffersonton Va., then consequently one the first sent to Andersonville, AND SURVIVED. He lived to 95 years old, and died in 1932. My grandmother, his granddaughter, told me about him.. When i retire, my hobby is gonna be diving deep into The Civil War. I Love That Era! ..And by the way, i love this music while typing this comment!
In the reunion after the interview 911 Confederate holding Arkansas flag. 👍
very cool
I'm so very intrigued by the videos you share. Just to think that people had such a feeling so hard as to withdraw from a country that you love so dearly that you'd go to war over. Whole families decimated. It is history you can learn from. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, good movie👍🏻👌🏻
Very interesting! I thought how striking to see a Civi War vet standing astride a B-47 and an automobile.
He said time is going to come when people wish they did work…… Those days have definitely come…
I'm a UDC daughter who absolutely adore these films of our ancestors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Such a wonderful upload! Love it! Oh , BTW, Ian going to need some info on the red neck bbq/hot tub swingers party, I got four old gals ready to go but they do weigh like 300 lbs a piece
The last speaker thought we gained state's right. We don't have anybody in DC who represents us.
Thank you for a very interesting and informative video. A large majority of people believe the southern soldier fought to keep slavery but as the one confederate soldier in the video stated, that his purpose in fighting the war was fought for states rights and I'm sure there were hundreds of southern soldiers who felt the same way.
The comments of the blacks were interesting. I never thought it would have been like that but I don't know why.
Mais um vídeo histórico. Parabéns e hapy New year do rj brasil
Another great video ❤ Veterans speaking in their own words detailing specific battles they participated in and why they fought in the war. This is priceless!
Happy New Year 🎉