Terrifying Wild Boar Attacks:
Hunting wild boar is a challenging and dangerous pursuit that requires special skills, experience and equipment.
Credit: BS action channel [0:00 – 0:07]
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Terrifying Wild Boar Attacks:
Hunting wild boar is a challenging and dangerous pursuit that requires special skills, experience and equipment.
Credit: BS action channel [0:00 – 0:07]
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"30 Incredible Wild Boar Battles And Brutal Attacks"
👉 https://youtu.be/reh0ofzbkvc
Not terrifying but justifying
Those dogs saved their asses.
They are so funny😂
Camera man 🙂
" also my fyp "
People, riding wild boars in their neighbourhood.
That first guy owns his life on that brave dog
A feral hog like that can kill a man with ease… People need to respect the strenght of these animals
They use funny music, but the outcome of would sounds way more differently. Boar known to attack people and left them with less limbs.
Ugh I have seen a fair share of boar tusk lacerations. They are bad…really really bad.
Experience would tell you to get up faster than that. Every second on your back without dying is a gift from the universe… it doesn't give alot of those
Out there hunting. Has a gun, runs up on it and then runs away to the goofiest music on the internet 😂
“Special skills” “experience” while hes getting rammed lmao
that doesn’t look like a boar that’s a tapir
Is it just me worrying more for the dogs than the men?
He died
What is that shotgun doing on your shoulder kid?
The music is perfect in all ways
شوف هذا الرجل صاحب القمصله الحمراء بحاجه الى سلاح ( من نوع خاص ) في هذا الوضع المربك ، ولم اجد بكل حياتي من يحمله رغم كونه هذا السلاح بسيط .
Robert Baratheon
Its not attacking, its defending. More dangerous for the Boar.
Inosuke: HELL YEA!!!
No hunter will have gun hanging on his shoulder,.bad hunter.
U mean wild man and dog attacks boar?
Boars are dangers but of you stand near a boar he will attack you
Boars are no joke
The boar is not attacking, it’s defending itself!
thats what you get for being a hunter😅😅😅😅
That boar had reason to go wild. It was haunted.
dotykać dziki
I think we really cant call the boar the agressor here. They came after the boar.
That dog saved his life
they arent attacking!!?? they are trying hard to survive…jeez!
what a bunch of clowns
"attack"? looks like a wild animal defending itself, rme….
What’s the music called