BREAKING: SpaceX Just Released Starship Flight 7 Plan, and it is awesome!

BREAKING: SpaceX Just Released Starship Flight 7 Plan, and it is awesome!
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A brand new year is upon us and if you thought 2024 was big, 2025 is going to be monstrous. You may think that work may have slowed as we crossed over into the new year. I thought that may have been the case too! But no, if anything it has sped up. Indeed, this is BREAKING news because SpaceX Just Released Starship Flight 7 Plan, and it is awesome and now just days away. We also have loads of great info on the newly announced Starlink Version 3, New Glenn is launching for the first time in just days (at least at the time of publish), the Astranis: From One to Many mission, and PSLV-C60 – SpaDeX. What a week to ring in the year!

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About the Author: Marcus House


  1. Starship started Development in 2012, New glenn about the same time. It'll be interesting to see which launches a payload into space first !!! We just might know this Friday !!!

  2. I would like to see a possible example of IFT8 in time durations..Launch, deploy sat's, move booster after catch and how many orbits before a catch attempt of the rocket. Total time? This may help people to start planning a trip to see. Will the rocket catch be couple hours or a next day thing?

  3. With Elon buying into more and more conspiracy theories, how long before he plops starship on its belly, sticks a few floats under it and tries to shoot it of the edge of the earth-disc? 😂

  4. I like all launches mate but condensing starlink launch information while elaborating on falcon 9 launches with different types of payloads would be good. Plenty of other launch providers testing and launching there must be so much to choose from every week!

  5. You could do a summarised report and roll the show as usual, but have a chapter at the end of the video where you warn ppl its for the nerds, and then go into more geeky detail? 🤷

  6. Is there no limit to how much hardware SpaceX are throwing into orbit? It all has to fall back to earth at some point as litter.
    We're also dumping spent rockets and engines into the sea at an alarming rate.

  7. Marcus – thank you for asking for feedback. I think you can completely skip covering the Starlink launches on Falcon 9. They all look the same, they are so frequent, and it’s just run of the mill nowadays. Instead I’d like to see more coverage of Stoke Space, Astranis, VAST, Blue Origin and all the others. Hey hey and keep up the good work!

  8. First I cannot ignore the dramatic advancements SpaceX and Tesla have made. But Tesla existed long before Leon purchased it and pushed out the original creators/owners. But what really bothers me is as we learn more and more about who Leon is as a person, because of SpaceX, everyone's willing to turn a blind eye to it. February of 24 Leon said he would not endorse anyone for president. Come August he spent $250 million dollars to purchase the US Presidency and Donald Trump. Now he's taking his hard right desires across the sea to Europe endorsing the far right afd party in Germany stating only they can save Germany. Calling for the release of a hard right asshole from jail in the UK to take over the Reform Party as well as calling for a new election to get rid of the labor party. Norway, France, the UK and Germany together have expressed disgust for Musk and him influencing their elections. The guy is an egomaniacal monster. His net worth is doubled since he purchased the presidency. No one should have this much power especially given the people he is endorsing and what they stand for. So my problem is, everyone is wide-eyed and excited for SpaceX and Leon while completely disregarding who he is as a person. Leon has too much money, too much influence and too much power. After his endorsement of Donald Trump and all the hard right extremists in Europe I will not excuse that because his Engineers know how to launch rockets. We don't need to go to space and we damn sure don't need to go to Mars. We have enough problems on this planet, which by the way Leon could solve with 500 BN and still be worth a retarded amount of money. He doesn't care about this planet or any of its people he cares about himself. Hence why he wants H-1B visas to hire indentured servants from India

  9. I would focus on the missions that are not just their starlink sats maybe if there's something new about them. Obviously crew flight should have top priority.

  10. I wonder how many more people like me are getting anxious regarding Musk's control of so much Internet? Control over the whole world is not far off. Seems to me he wants to be Emperor of the World

  11. The difference in capabilities of Starship compared to Falcon 9 is pretty huge: if Falcon 9 is used to build Starlink, it would need to launch a new rocket every second day to match once a month launch with Starship. And even then, SpaceX could lose up to 3 Starships per year and still have total throughput identical with Falcon 9!

  12. Indeed, F9 launches are becoming boring (which is a good thing). Especially the Starlink missions. It is better to focus on new, spicy stuff like new probes, new projects, milestones toward human space flight, etc. Already enough to cover IMO. EM rightly predicted that one day F9 missions will be mostly boring, and these days have come.

  13. Shorter Falcon 9 summaries will be fine, Marcus. As always I really enjoy your coverage and will prune other subscriptions in favour of your excellent and less hyperbolic presentation. 😊

  14. Marcus you make a great presentation of Starlink but you should say that the lifespan of a Starlink satellite is about 3 to 5 years! Every 3 years thousands of Starlink satellites fall into the Earth's atmosphere and are replaced. This is a huge ecological waste!!

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