Bear vs. Dog fight, Dog saves Owner from Bear #shorts #dog #bears #animals Admin — January 8, 2025 30 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist This Bear attacks the Man in the cold snow, but his Dog has other Ideas. #shorts #dog #bears #animals source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Luckily that's a teenager bear, wait 'till his dad pops out. Joe Rogan will freak out on his podcast!
Bears are overrated. They are powerful but power isn't everything in a fight. Reflexes, speed, agility, etc. There are many factors in a fight..
Kangal köpekleri insana çok sadık bir 🐕 köpektir İnsanları kurt ve 🐻 ayılardan korur ❤❤❤❤
"the dog managed to scare the bear away"
The dog literally ran from the bear
Goodest boi+++
that s a kangal… nothing else to say
They didn't show the final part of the video where the young bear eats the dog.
Bro definitely eating at the table now 💯🙌
Lucky dog.
If you live close to bears. . . You might see a bear .. What is unbelievable?
It wasn't guarding anyone it was protecting itself 🙄
Плохой хозяин,собаке не повезло с хозяином
Bro help your buddy!!! Don't just run
The bear scared the dog away… wtf is this video lol
"manages to scare the bear away" shows the dog getting its ass chased
Luckily that's a teenager bear, wait 'till his dad pops out. Joe Rogan will freak out on his podcast!
Dog is: Sivas-Kangal from Türkiye.
just shut up and play the clip
Bears are overrated. They are powerful but power isn't everything in a fight. Reflexes, speed, agility, etc. There are many factors in a fight..
Baby bear hungry anything 4 $
Bullmastiff ?
The bear just playing with the dog, in less than 5 sec the bear kill the dog with his paw lol
Please tell me his name is tank 🙏🤣
No dog!! Bears don’t need to be barked at!! 😠
Good doggo
Looked like bear chasing dog at end… but brave dog
And they think a bear can beat a lion…okay
Thank you, captain, obvious for explaining it. 😂
Turkish Kangal power🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Cats scaring, black bears, dog fighting grizzly bear💀☠️
The dog is kangal?