LIVE: Mysterious Fog Making People Sick! What Are They Hiding?
A strange fog is sweeping across the world, leaving people sick and sparking questions no one can ignore. Is this just an unusual weather phenomenon, or could it be something more sinister?
Some are speculating about advanced weather engineering, nanotechnology experiments gone wrong, or even a government cover-up to mask hidden drone operations. With eerie reports coming in from across the globe, the mystery deepens.
Join us as we dive into the facts, theories, and unexplained connections surrounding this bizarre event. Is it a natural occurrence or something far more alarming? Watch now to uncover what they don’t want you to know.
📩 What do you think is behind the fog? Comment below with your theories!
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Bro, if you would just give us some information, I might consider subscribing to your channel, but you’re so Helter you know it’s annoying
Looks like volcano ash
I noticed so many Chemtrails a day or 2 before the morning fog came here in Tennessee, was sick with what I thought was just maybe a head cold, then cough, congestion, just flu like symptoms, but never a fever! Just now getting better and it's Jan 7th!
I think it's from them drones.They're dumping something to harm us and our animals
What areas in US/ worldwide r being affected by mysterious fog formation?? Has anyone composed map???
From Poland same here. Heavy fog for many days after Christmas and now people sick everywhere.
Also in El Paso Texas. Either fog, chemtrails, weird in the sky can't figure what it is.
Wonder why all those hundreds of DRONES were flying around dropping some sort of liquid….I believe that is the drones that did this….
Tower of Babel too
I agree
What's this fog doing to our animals outside then we're eating these animals
They did this to North Carolina with Hurricane Helene. It’s a land grab. I don’t believe weather manipulation has stopped. It’s used against Americans too.
The popular podcast are nothing BUT control opposition
Put in place to fack you up 🫤
I experienced the sickness. Almost a week I was sick, and I'm still not feeling 100%. If the government is telling you ANYTHING, it's most likely a LIE!
In addition to toxic air caused by chemical spills and fires. Please recall historic toxic fogs. : 1952 England toxic fog 4k dead. . IN 1930's it was US and parts of Europe. This go around if you monitor space weather you will note the sulfur and other toxic plumes world wide from massive number of volcanoes going off world wide. . PS earth weather is causing the spread during this current world wide cold snap and wind conditions.
GOD also told us no weapon formed against us will prosper….
First time here. Interesting n good info BUT you ask way too many times to smash the like and smash the subscribe THATs annoying – and why I’ll look you up but I’m not subscribing – it’s like your views mean the most to ya.
🙏 Consider that THE FOUR HORSEMEN are actually, GRAPHENE based. (Nanoscience) 😮
God has warned me and u.
We are GODs Nanoscience in work.
Every energy particle in everything EVERYWHERE, has a small center of starlight. 🙏
(The god particle)
I observed…
Florida panhandle particulate fogs,
Left oily micro spots on my clean glass door.
I have light discharge of clear fluids, tickle cough, no fever cold chills, about the neck and scalp.
Flu like 😢 43:09
It's said they used cloud seeding to bring rain to cattle and farms. Of course i dont believe that is the only thing its been used for. I don't trust our government one bit.
Someone please use a filter to collect this stuff or even just put a slide out for 5 or 10 mins and check this "fog" under a microscope.
When Chernobyl happened all of the Fallout from Chernobyl went around the whole earth and poison food in Germany and all of Europe and it slowly got to America and did the same thing we live in the shared atmosphere everything we experience and do in America will travel around the world in the atmosphere so yes this is going to affect the whole world
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world"
I've seen it in Ohio but it was 32° and it was Snow! I'm in CALIFORNIA now. That was No kind of fog I have ever seen! 💀
You are not crazy