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About the Author: Nat Geo Animals


  1. I enjoyed every minute of this documentary. Salute to every doctor and this entire team for the intentional care, of these beautiful creatures! It brought tears to my eyes at the end, seeing the tiger run into freedom within the space. 💛✨

  2. I am from Kerala, India and I grew up watching Elephants both in the temples and in the wild. Most animals are respected and treated well. There are even stories of Elephants seeking out people to help their babies stuck in ditches !!!

  3. Just seeing these amazing animals proves how great our God is. Each of them were beautifully created. How amazing and magnificent is God!🤍

  4. Imagine being Jawara. For once he used to walk with his three legs and cannot breathe without wheezing and suddenly he can walk and breathe normally. He must be so confused but so glad over it 😃

  5. I love how Kalpana didn’t really have a lead or anything but allowed the bath and kindly went back to her enclosure. Elephants are so intelligent. The fact that she wanted to try the stairs so bad but just was scared and gently went back to her space instead of using brute force😭 SOS sanctuary probably seems like an all inclusive resort to her after such a hard life 😢

  6. Our wildlife department gets calls about stray dogs and raccoons or crows, while in India they get calls about tigers and inland taipans and elephants. 😂

  7. Very sad to see humans doing such a abuse 😞 but looking at his aggression I think he was a human eater but this is not the way by putting traps 😔

  8. Tigers 🐯 are big babies if the ignorant people took 2 hours of their worthless lifes to read a book about big cats. Much positive changed would occur it's too bad them mouth breathers don't know how to read or let alone think with a brain.

  9. The elephants in the pool was so precious to watch. So glad they aren’t abused anymore and living a happy life! People who harm animals eventually have to face some Karma!

  10. My prayer is that other countries will follow after this beautiful country “India” and have heart for the wild animal life just as India has. I love all of you Wild life SOS Vets, volunteers and the entire team and the Zen Master! ❤God Bless You All! Thank you for taking care of wildlife ❤ 🐍🐅🦅

  11. It’s already the case that in some places in the world don’t have enough wild area to safely release many animals, so they remain with sanctuaries, if lucky. As humans continue to take over land for profit and housing and we continue to strip the land for agriculture, mining, etc., this is only going to get worse. Poor elder tiger sounds like he may have a bronchial infection. The python is frightened not angry; she/he expects to be killed and possibly eaten. Thank you for rescuing such a gorgeous snake. And as an old lady with teeth problems, my heart goes out to him.

  12. If the animal rescue team doesn’t arrive in time, the python could face serious risks when encountering humans. Fear and panic on both sides could lead to dangerous actions, not just for people but for the snake itself. It could be harmed, injured, or worse—killed due to misunderstandings.

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