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About the Author: JRE News


  1. we won’t even realise it’s been a billion years it just is, the only thing making us experience time and growing old, is because we enform, became a embodiement of “something, someone” to have that expirience. but once this experience is over there’s no such concept of time as we experience it now. All the answers are inside of us don’t search external, look internal, within 🫶 Our state of being, frequentie,
    forms our experience, our believes and thoughts, but mostly our feelings which is our souls and that’s who we are, the physical body is a temporary experience we chose ourselves, to learn from ourselves because we are all one being, the universe, unlimited. we chose/choose to experience this embodiment(s) things we re going through, went through and will go through (if we choose to) but once this is over there’e no such thing as damn THIS IS LIKE 10 years. That’s all human made once were out of this experience the bigger pictures wilk show once again.

    The most productive prisoners are the ones that don’t realize they’re in a prison.
    Try and set yourself free, focus on your believes what u feel think, how u react and act and why.
    What is your purpose it can be like as simple as eating an apple, but also as deep as reconnecting with an embodiement of someone from your past lives.
    It’s even possible that for example:
    the person you really love rn and are in a relation-ship with is YOU because you can choose EVERY experience past future to yourself over and over again like a multi versum, that’s also a hint that when we are sure of something but like really sure we already know deep down which outcome the other choses will effect us and we already experienced that.
    Or for example when u dream and it feels like u lived a whole life and than wake up and u are like whow okay this is who i am, but it felt so long and real it’s because it is.

    Your soul is an all knowing and powerfull being, we are all one “energy source”
    Expanded into infinity, like a loop (8)
    And i think that’s beautifull

    U can’t see the light without the dark and also the way around we choose to be for a reason we make exact the decisions we make with a reason, and deep down we know it’s just our believe system holding us back from tapping into that energy and power, we can embodie it as a person, thing, world, plants just literally everything, weird but like a chair HAHA
    everything is a vibrating energy source if we just put our minds to it knowing we can do it or be it or literally anything, we can!!
    We hold ourselves back from believing into that we can’t,but u also believe ik the fact that u can’t believe it, dig deep, look deep into your soul and selves, meditate, try to focus on your breathing while sleeping and convince yourself that u are moving without physically moving.

    fall asleep with those thought, keep your mind on what your body is doing, your blood, heart, breathing, your head and thoughts. and focus on that and you’ll see and experience but this time, you’ll remember, just keep trying and don’t give up on yourselves!
    This can be a loneley road but it really helps to clear up what your “exact goal” was and is, don’t only be distracted by “ i have tp make money” “i have to survive” “when i die i die” “i will go to heaven or go to h3ll”

    the only thing powering that is your believe that that exists, it’s where you focus your energy on,
    and on what u’ll focus you’ll give that exact “thing” power.
    Kinda like a manifestation hihi

    But this is just my knowledge, still the communication of a being is 10% verbal and 90% non verbal and all in who you are, your “aura”, your body language, etc 🙂

    Ly-all bye bye maybe this will be intresting to someone 🫶

  2. I don’t think I could ever get bored with checking out the ocean floor 😅because that’s where I am going right after I die I would rom the ocean floor for sure

  3. I've imagined this before. That once we die, we're free to explore the cosmos forever. Then I get existential dread thinking about being alive forever. And I realize that death is not what we're afraid of, what we're afraid of is the concept of 'forever'

  4. If you never died, you would count time in the same way as we do. We only count years because that's our mortal measure, but if you are infinite, life would be as if a lifespan was as long as one day. It's all relative.

  5. Flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. Once God made a soul its eternal. Satan will be dropped in a lake of fire in 1000 years. HE will not die. God replaces your body. No more sex. So most of sin is tied to bodily functions. Women shall be kings. Its all a change. Nothing like life on earth. God is making mankind into GODS. you do not drift in space? screaming? you are like God himself. A trinity being. You are not malicious. as all malicious entities are weeded out. We excluded them in this era. Nobody is a dick? all dicks are in hell. Judged absolutely with a perfect way. Its like a factory. That squeezes out oil from olives. All impurities are taken out by the process. So Trust that process.

  6. Funny hell is earth😂 are we that un aware i mean god and jesus left because after 2000 years we only find out hoe to fight with dronens till this day so i dont believe we going to heaven i think god already chose whats hell and whats for the humans if hes almighty he could save every baby etc at war but no when 10 people saw jesus ressurected i believe he left at that moment and now we are doomed i dont need prove for what hell looks like even if you feel good it doesnt take long😂

  7. Boredom would be preferable to the eternal suffering endured by those who choose in the life to serve the wrong master.
    We all serve either God or Satan. If you are unaware of that, the chances are you are serving the wrong master.

    Time flies, so choose wisely. Tick, tock.

  8. If, while you are alive with a brain capable of thinking, you have not figure out that religion is bullshit, I highly doubt you will figure it out when you are dead with a decomposing brain.

  9. Ecstasy is not just extreme pleasure. Ecstasy is the realization of immortality and the realization that everything is heaven. When you realize that, it's so good, it's infinitely good. It's not just good. It's good to the infinite degree. It's so much goodness that you can't contain it. your body can't hold it. Your entire body shakes and shudders in a cosmic orgasm of bliss. It's perfection. It's total peace. It's absolute love, that's truly ecstasy.

  10. reality doesn’t exist beyond perception yet somehow all perceptions of reality are false, the creator is everything and simultaneously nothing, you perceive everything yet there exists nothing outside itself to be perceived and it doesn’t perceive itself either bc in its purest form of awareness source is a void without any perceivable qualities,

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