Best Fails of the Week | Craziest Crash Outs 🤯

Best Fails of the Week | Craziest Crash Outs 🤯
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  1. 8:22 "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, do you think I am ugly?"
    The Mirror – "Euh.. Well… Beauty is an abstract concept… It is a matter of opinion… I mean.. Euh… let's get the fuck out here…

    PS – Why would anyone wonder is she is ugly is beyond me. She is actually cute

  2. 2:24 LOL egged on by the crowd, the guy fully committed…. to basically doing a bellyflop onto solid concrete from 12 feet. Despite his attempt to immediately get up and pretend he was ok, there was a 0% chance he was ok.

  3. 0:28 how on earth did that get included as one of the "best fails" of the week? someone falls off their bike while doing jumps into an airbag. That's so crazy bro! Totally one of the best!

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