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#FailArmy #Fails
poor babe
Stupid guy I knew did 0:13 riding home drunk on his ATV. Broke ALL his ribs.
Just a note, I don't know if the subtitles at 3:08 are from the original clip, or were added in, but he's saying "full-send it," not "forcing it"
These fails are next-level! Can’t stop laughing at the epic crash-outs! 😂
People are awesome
The horse fall really dangerous is that girl okay
Life bites back. Act the fool expect foolish results.
Every second of this video is pure medicine for the soul!
3:47 i love how when people fall they just continue there day like nothing happened
Rename this the worst, most boring videos ever
0:08 Hurt like hell I bet
Funny videos gat me laughing
0:06 that's why I don't trust horses
8:22 "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, do you think I am ugly?"
The Mirror – "Euh.. Well… Beauty is an abstract concept… It is a matter of opinion… I mean.. Euh… let's get the fuck out here…
PS – Why would anyone wonder is she is ugly is beyond me. She is actually cute
First fail made in Brazil, kkk … Manoel, Maravilha SC
Claire's boyfriend is the worst.
2:24 LOL egged on by the crowd, the guy fully committed…. to basically doing a bellyflop onto solid concrete from 12 feet. Despite his attempt to immediately get up and pretend he was ok, there was a 0% chance he was ok.
0:28 how on earth did that get included as one of the "best fails" of the week? someone falls off their bike while doing jumps into an airbag. That's so crazy bro! Totally one of the best!
Every time someone starts to walk down the front porch stairs:
Me: 😳😬
so funny 😂😂😂😂😂
is 95% of the content just reused hoping people never seen it last time? ill view once or twice a year but ill never sub here
this video was epic
Man that eagle skateboard drop in one is brutal
That cow was just chilling lol.
Maybe t it's dont hurt😂😂
That famous question that never gets answered, but still gets asked: Are you OK?
8. 23 no such thing as 1000%.
It's 100%, i.e. the fullest, the zenith, no more. 100% is the maximum. 1000% is bollocks
Why do yanks always fall down icy porch steps?
Did that horse fart after it bolted?