Guy sees footage of puppies getting dumped on a busy highway and rushes to save them all
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This breaks my heart
They have no change on serviving on their own
I hear bigger dogs barking
That was wholesome but I think you should have at least adopted them or reported them to someone else who would take care of them …this should have been done as a responsible adult
Hvala što si spasio malce i sretna sam što su svi udomljeni. Hvala ti od

thuog j dau
Il faut les mettre en sécurité, c'est dangereux
Serbia is such a dump. Nice to see there are still good people there.
What adorable little furry potatoes! I’m glad they all got good homes.
Thank you for rescuing these babies!
When the car and the bus passed there were 5 puppies

4 on one side of the road and a little dark one on the other side
What about the grown up dogs…..They’re the ones that are making the puppies…..How about getting them neutered

So sad
Please tell this man who rescued these puppies. There’s a place up in heaven for him with his caring, loving heart! And whoever did this to these beautiful souls is going to be punished from God!!!!
Very noble act from you guys
, but it's puzzling how people can live happily with animals while they can't with themselves.. Sadly there are still wars and violence here and there in this cruel world.. I hope humans increase their love and care for each others more than they do to animals..
Bravo et un grand merci d'avoir sauvé ces bébés adorables d'une mort certaine. Vous êtes quelqu'un de bien. RESPECT !
mom and dad dog are barking in the background
This guy reminds me of Jesus!
I don’t understand the brutality of this world, and never will!
Only one is the solution: Christ Jesus, our Lord and God, who will put an end to all this suffering and judge with Equity!
Eek! So adorable!
So greatful indeed Thankyou

Cute little babies
Thank You for caring people!
So scary! They could be killed on busy road !
GRATITUDE a vous pour les 4 vies sauvées
j'imagine la pauvre maman …… qui elle à perdue ces 4 petits du jour au lendemain !
Dunia ini milik kita bersama termasuk hewan ada di dalmnya.
Огромное спасибо этому доброму человеку
People throw these puppies frimthf bus…
Ot is very sD priple that do not like dogs.
What a load of BS. This guy sees “footage” of these puppies and immediately shows up out of nowhere with someone else to conveniently record it all
سلام.امام اول شیعیان درمورد سگها ۱۰ خصوصیت فرمودند که این حیوانات دوست داشتنی رو میشود براحتی باور کردو دوست داشت .تنها حیوانی که در روایات دینی ودقیقا درسوره کهف که مربوط به مسیحیانیست که از ترس سپاه رومیان به غاری پناه بردن که بیش از سیصد سال خوابیدند وبیدارشدند مربوط به سگی است که با راهبری که عزیز خدا بود بعداز ۳۰۰سال خوابیدن تبدیل به انسان شد .واین یکی معجزات بی نظیر خداوند است .من یه سگ زیبادادم بسیار دوسش دارم .وهمیشه ترس اینکه عمرش یه روزی زودتر ازمن به پایان میرسه ناراحتم میکنه .
Chik chik chik
Thank you for saving them!!!

This is the most caring man on youtube that rescues endangered animals, especially those to small or too hurt to care for themselves. Take care Brother and good luck!!
I think it's sweet that he gives the puppies a kiss each one of them
Bless you for saving them
Thank you

not all heroes wear capes!
The beginning was horrible. The filmi g while they run on the road oblivious of danger like toddlers.
The man what rescued these puppies is a caring loving man and helping puppies to get a better life