Pregnant Mother Dog Was Chased, Ran Away, Stressed, Cowered Into a Corner in Fear

Pregnant Mother Dog Was Chased, Ran Away, Stressed, Cowered Into a Corner in Fear
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Pregnant Mother Dog Was Chased, Ran Away, Stressed, Cowered Into a Corner in Fear

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At a factory, a pregnant mother dog was kicked out of her house. They don’t want her here.

Are they afraid to raise her and her cubs. They are afraid of being dirty…
They say they don’t love dogs…

They cruelly abandoned this poor girl. She was extremely scared..
This mother dog is super sweet…gently accepting food.

She is about to give birth.. we will take her to the clinic. She’s a young mother, so she won’t have much experience.

In the X-ray results, the doctor found 3 puppies.. Their hearts are still beating… We call her Angel!

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Thank you for watching!

#animalrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Una brutta storia di abbandono, finita bene. Salva mamma cane ed anche i cuccioli grazie all'umana che ha dato loro una casa. Peccato che la cuccia sia fuori nel cortile e non dentro casa. Questo non va bene.

  2. Al tizio che ha abbandonato Angel: nessuno ti aveva obbligato ad adottarla.
    E ricordati che ogni azione ha una conseguenza. Buona Vita Angela, a te e ai tuoi bimbi ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. ❤❤❤que bonito ver jugar a la mama con los cachorros, se ve tanto Amor en la mama, no puedo aunque no quiera llorar se me caen solas jeje❤❤❤

  4. ❤❤❤que linda, como puede haber personas tan crueles probrecita, lo mismo que hsy personas sin alma, tambien hay Angeles que Dios les hace que pasen por ahy para salvar a estos pequeñines de cuatro patitas, ellos tienen Alma como nosotros, esa mirada tan humana que tienen que parece que te estan hablando, y porque ellos no quieren de momento, pero un dia lo haran, que Dios os bendiga por esta gran labor que haceis, que salvar a estos seres de cuatro patitas, y que Dios os cuude y os proteja❤❤❤AMEM❤❤❤

  5. Gratidão imensa por esta belezura de mamãe e seus filhotinhos! BÊNÇÃOS de DEUS para todos vocês! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  6. Wie schön ist das denn!! ❤🙏❤…könnte stundenlang zusehen, 😅eine glückliche junge Hundemama mit ihren drei Welpen!! 🥰..Dank 🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙💙euch darf sie so leben, danke für die Rettung, alles gute weiter für Mutter und Welpen, für 🙏✊✊💙 gute Zuhauseplätze mit Liebe!! Gottes Segen euch uns für die Hunde!! ..für alle Hunde…alle dieser Welt

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