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About the Author: Canada in the Rough


  1. If anyone replies to this I’ve been looking at a bunch of hunting videos and will be starting soon in bow hunting and was just wondering why to not aim for the head as maybe wouldn’t it be quicker for the animal but yet again I am brand new to this so can someone please fact check me on this

  2. I am new to this , but why do people prefer shooting the lungs and heart instead of a head shot ? But I saw people hunting hogs , alligators , pythons etc and other animals by head shots , is it because it is an invasive species and they don't eat them ? Or do they eat deers brains and don't want to damage that since it's too soft and would splatter , but heart and lungs are big and the bullet would just pass through them ? Because it takes two or three shots to put them down like this , but a head shot would have put them down easier right ? With bears and deers ? Someone tell me.

  3. You snooze toy lose sometimes.
    I learned that the hard way many times.
    If my crosshairs are on the vitals I waste no time for him to stay there and present.
    I squeeze one off.
    If I’m in a blind painted black I’ll have all black jacket , hat and facemask.
    And yes I’ll have my orange for my walk in and out .

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