Get ready to be scared with these 15 Haunting CCTV Videos That Are Too Real to Ignore! Watch as spooky paranormal activity is …
Get ready to be scared with these 15 Haunting CCTV Videos That Are Too Real to Ignore! Watch as spooky paranormal activity is …
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when this comes from America, and there is a camera hanging there, just to catch "something" i dont believe it, a camera pointing in the living room 5:25
The little boy goes in the second video it looks like he has duct tape on his mouth if you look really closely at the steel frame
He is asking to leave the house? Asking? No. He orders him to leave the house. It is not welcome and must move on. Also that he always runaway is absolutely not helpful. Don't show fear. Command to leave.
Commander in Name of Jesus 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So far im at the end of 1110 and i honestly think it's fake no ghost is going to do the same 4 tricks back to back one cabinet door couple chairs and a baby chair and the cross with that much power 😂yeah fake but good acting
The guy trying to excersise the house 😂 its just smoke dummy just like holy water is just water its what the person doing believes it does, faith.
Teşekkürler kardeşim
08:35 😂😂😂
The doll needs hours just to move its hands 🤣🤣🤣 they need big enrgy to do that!
C'est le pierre Richard des exorcistes celui ci…
C'est le mec la plus folle de toutes. Les vidéos paranormales😂😂…les démons doivent se disputer pour aller chez lui 😂😂
😂😂😂il est sérieux le mec qui exorcise sa maison …il fait le beau et crie comme une pucelle le jour de son dépucelage 😂😂… l'entité doit être morte de rire satanique😂😂
He was the one to bring that chair into the home he mocked the church that night . He is the one who brought the spirit before the baby was conceived
Watch the cross on the very right hand side at 07:13
As you and the guy in the video missed that
Seriously, this guy looks like a heshe, he keeps screaming at the top of his lungs.
Such bs
13:23 😂
11:14 😂 grown ass man screaming
Usually if you use that stuff to try and expel spirits, in my opinion you actually have to put some belief into or it doesn't work.
I don't understand why people always think of a Crucifix upside down as Paranormal. Saint Peter was Crucified this way. Hollywood, nonsense.
Awesomeness 🎉❤❤❤ … 💯 💯 love your videos paranormal pulse
That video with the crucifix getting turned upside down, while dude is standing right there talking on the phone… that can't be good.
Thank you!! 👻😃
Thanks for the creepy videos
Magicalpotergheist, è un fake! Provato da più persone nel tempo! Compresi i famosi fratelli: nightmare paranormal tv
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