Today we check out The Scariest Home Videos Caught Around The World. A caught on camera ghost for many is pretty terrifying. Some paranormal videos caught on tape collections feature a variety of eerie sightings. Now I will check out new and scary youtube videos that will send some shivers down your spine.
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Myuu – Growing Shadows : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocS4JTgNjLo
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On the right of the screen further back there is a woman with dark hair .you can see har legs she looks like she is wearing a calf length skirt . Her hand is visible ,as her arm is straight down by her side .her hair looks like it is shoulder length.
23:34 This is why you shouldn’t go alone to some places. Homeless people or people up to no good can turn up anywhere.
18:57 Let’s hope it’s just a ghost and not a shadow entity. Shadow entities are extremely hard to get rid off. This is according to just about every medium I’ve ever asked.
18:05 I used to live in a haunted house. It was very interesting. My wife was terrified when she was home alone and things happened. Many times when I was home alone the spirits begin to make a mess, but when I spoke to them calmly telling them to behave or I would use my sage on them it always quieted down. However, there was one particular doll in the storage area where the owner had put it away. It is a severely haunted thing but not by a human spirit. I investigated it thoroughly and caught weird EVP:s with many voices speaking as one. A sinister looking shadow was filmed as well. The owners had managed to snap a picture of the entity staring out of a window, and it doesn’t look like any human I have ever seen. It was after that picture was taken that they moved the doll out to the storage area.
That thing in the basement wasn't a man. That was a pure evil shadow person. He is so lucky he got away.
There are no ghosts or spirits, only demons. They are very deceitful and intelligent. Don't be fooled.
23:00 unbelievable how bad the guy filming is faking it terrible acting dudes pretending to be out of breathe 5 seconds after barely jogging and u can hear no fear in his voice all I heard was bullsh
32:26 you can see a kinda shadow like hand pull the blanket back by her legs. when it zooms in
That little girl pointed out that Guy super fast crazy 😮
Der man der mit seine Kamera ein kleiner schwerer Schaden gestaltet eingefangen das bedeutet nichts gutes es ist das pure böse
Der man der in Tunnel hat ein wehsen eingefangen die Augen leuchten rot das haben nur Dämonen oder der skinwalker oder der rake ich bin mir sicher das es eine skinwalker oder der rake ist
Der Schatten der frau geht einfach duch die Tür oder Wand das ist echt gruselig
14:20 I can’t see any head?! Shadows, yes, but no head.
16:27 why did he have to go off frame like that!!! why cant people just stay filming the shadows as they walk toward them!! ugh!
Das Video mit der Leiter die wie von geister Hand runtergefalen ist ein poltergeist verantwortlich den nur poltergeister machen so was bewegen sachen machen alles kaputt und poltern menschen es sind sehr böse Geister da ist Vorsicht geboten
Der man der heimgesucht wird von ein schwarzer Schatten Gestalt das bedeutet nichts gutes es ist das pure böse mit dene dunkle Gestalten ist nicht zu spaßen da ist Vorsicht geboten ich hette noch in der selben Nacht aus den verfluchten haus ausgezogen keine 10 Pferde hette mich nicht da gehalten
11:18 graveyards are usually active. We have caught some truly amazing things there. One night during the summer I went to the local cemetery where my grandparents rests. As I sat on a bench not far from the graves I recorded myself saying how I felt I was in the right place. You can clearly hear a whisper saying: “Hello Tom, welcome!”
It sounded exactly like my grandmother, during the last years of her life she lost her voice and could only whisper.
8:04 when we are investigating a haunted place that’s active it’s common for unexplained battery drain. However, we have noticed that if we have a couple of EMF pumps going the batteries last longer. I had a flashlight that was incredible, but after it got drained during an investigation it never recovered. The light blinks on and off at enormous speed whenever I try to use it. Kept it as a memory and a reminder that there are things in this world we can’t explain.
6:09 Yes, I’d love to spend a night in that house and investigate.
1:17 I was recently on a seance along with fifty other guests. The medium picked out me and told me my grandparents were there and wanted to say that I shouldn’t stop with what I’m doing. The medium also said that my grandfather on mom’s side said “Lucky Luke”. That’s when I knew they were there, as a child I wanted to be just as cool as him.
Sir Graves would have love these videos, RIP
With little girl ghost, there's a face, in the trees, at the end it's gone
Frostmare what’s up my brother……kids ones are always eerie 😮 0:56
Who else is watching this with their bag of rock
Enjoy the videos Frost. BTW it's Navajo…. Sounds like Nava-hoe
I can deal with creepy dolls and old things. But that life sized thing chillint 2 ft from the bed it insane.