Nadipathy Goshala where you can see the shortest cow of 1 to 2 feet height, which gives 2 litres of milk and can be reared in a flat. Mutated to live in apartments, run on tiles, friendly with family members. We can rear Cows instead of dog.
Dr. P Krishnamraju has created the smallest cow in India through ancient Indian Nadipathy height therapy.
Miniature Cattle: Upto 2 1/2 feet height Cow / Bull.
Microminiature Cattle: Cow/Bull between 1 foot to 2 height.
These cattle only available with Dr. P. Krishnamraju at Nadipathy Goshala. No one can offer these Breeds in the World, as they were created by Dr Krishnamraju.
Our Website link : http://minicows.co.in/
Contact on Whatsapp/Call : 8885011320 ,8885011321 ( For Hindi Language )
For Address contact : 9491023454 , 9491023456
Nadipathy Goshala Location:
only top quality pure breed Available..1 foot to 1.5 feet cows and bulls .. Available on this farm.
Interested Join Whatsapp Group in
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Our Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/punganurucows/?hl=en
Our Youtube Channels
Punganur Cows : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClioa6lAEwslKwgCAK3xSsg
Punganuru Cow Shorts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpi28I5BpZV2WQdHNxiv5w
Mini Cows : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUzJaRHGm7Rbe5t6FuVKdQ
Our Hospitals Youtube channel
Dr.P.Krishnam Raju : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsp8QjBeKIr7KAM1LT23Fxw
Dr.Nadipathy : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qbln9WHPsPPi2-hmEpTpw
Dr Nadipathy : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Oc9mDrV4g94YWwxjSI9jA
Nadipathy Hospital
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadipathykakinada/
Our Hospital Website : http://nadipathy.org/
Contact us on the given number for complete details