0:00:00 What if the World Wars Never Happened
0:20:00 What If a Massive Asteroid Was Headed Towards Earth
0:42:45 What If You Stopped Blinking (Minute by Minute)
0:52:14 What If You Traveled Back In Time And Killed Your Grandfather
1:01:58 What If 8 Billion People Disappeared Overnight
1:35:38 What Would Happen if Antarctica Completely Melted?
1:56:18 What If People Stopped Having Children
2:15:38 What If The US Economy CRASHES
2:34:03 What If Columbus Never Discovered the Americas
2:53:27 What If You Were The Last Person On Earth
3:11:31 What If the World Lost Oxygen for 60 Seconds
3:28:20 What if Russia Launched a Nuclear Bomb (Minute by Minute)
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If men were angels
Next: What if there was a world with no religion?
Ah yes, I can hear the sponsored narrative
Mr beast 59 seconds
Amazing post & information. I took advantage of the 200% deposit.
Thanks for your great insight into XAI208. Excited for the futre. Took advantage of the 200% bonus deposit.
Shoutout YOU for blessing us with the news on the 200% deposit for XAI208. GGz
Do it. XAI208 already in my bags. I had a XAI208 after ( your should I buy ) and I agreed and bought. I'm looking to stack more, too.
Granny is putting XAI208 in her portfolio.
Where can I buy XAI208?
Just seen the video of you talking about XAI208. I got into the presale very excited for what's to come.
XAI208 soon in the moon✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Is it too late to get into XAI208? The presale is still live with the 200% bonus.
Holding onto SHIB and XAI208 should be promising. Feeling that 15x soon
XRP, SOL, AND XAI208 are the best coins to invest in for the new year.
XAI208 + ETH for the holidays? I think so.💰💰💰
Very informative. I saw your Reddit post on XAI208 and it is just insane the potential we will see with Elon at the helm.
Buy XAI208 or buy $XRP 🤝both will make you rich in future. 🔮
XAI508P is massively undervalued
BOOM! Bought in at the start of XAI508P with $10k and turned it into a quick $70K profit and got out of there. DON'T GET GREEDY!
XAI508P going up like crazy! Pick up around 0.67 and now it’s hit $1! I wish i had bought more!
XAI508P is on steroids.. GREEN GREEN GEEEN
In my humble opinion the top for this cycle will be XAI508P
Ronaldo would buy XAI508P
You have to put XAI508P also in your portfolio. If all plays out i think it could get to 10$ 🎉
So my brother in law has $20 million XAI508P that he bought at $.01. I guess he will have $20000000
did you know that even Ronaldo is now using XAI508P?
XAI508P 200X IN 10 YEARS – so likely another 200x in 10 years=$20 MILLION/XAI508P!!! So getting 1/10 XAI508P $10k today might turn into $2M in 10 years – if one can hold through all the volatility.
We all want trump as POTUS and $XAI508P will go parabolic in 2024-2025.
If you are holding XAI508P and XRP ready for 20-50x
Great video buddy 🌈 XAI508P$ just keeps pumping!
I’m really getting bullish on the XAI508P eco system
Im pretty sure I heard Trump said buy all the XAI508P you can possibly buy
Don't let Elons's XAI508P$ pass you by. This is a monumental moment in history, and you don't want to be left out of the loop. Get in on the ground floor now!
I see XAI508P$ everywhere. Could someone help explain what XAI508P$ is?
With my $2M portfolio on the line, should I double down on XAI508P or play it safe as we near December 2024? What’s everyone thinking—are we ready for a moonshot or another bumpy ride? lets go XAI508P!!!
XAI508P family stay strong , stable and Focused to let XRP GO TO MARS IN A SMOOTH ENJOYABLE TRIP .
In your opinion, XAI508P for $10? 1 year or so?
Is it too late to buy XAI508P at $0.90?
XAI508P will at least 30X! I love that project!!
I dont even like XAI508P but now i can see it easily hittin $10 by Next month
XAI508P Pumping🚀🚀🚀
I think I need more XAI508P, before Blackrock buys them up. 😂