👍- if you think this kid is legendary. South African kids are built differently. He swims fearlessly through hundreds of baby nile crocodiles. While your kid plays minecraft @dingo_dinkelman ‘s son Rex is becoming a legend.
👍- if you think this kid is legendary. South African kids are built differently. He swims fearlessly through hundreds of baby nile crocodiles. While your kid plays minecraft @dingo_dinkelman ‘s son Rex is becoming a legend.
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I really hope the comments are trolling😭😭 please tell me you guys don’t actually believe this is real 😭😅😅 it’s completely edited. It’s more fake than Kim K’s butt
Fake 😂😂😂
Wait about 3-6 years and see if he will jump in once they have the taste of live animals
Ueah the crocs are juveniles..try jt with adults!
As a north African/Egyptian no no no it's banned by law here to swim or littre or pee in the nile
I would of been eating them
Bro a white south African Bro defines buildWHITE diffrent
That's dingos son.
He has 100% Amir DNA
I'm south African no cap
Bros amirs son
I dont remember swimming in crocodiles
don't worry, one day he will become feast 😏
I am also south african
Check out my wild encounter with crocs!
He is not South African and those are BABY Nile crocodiles
I got 3 crocodile and four snakes
say what what the fuck why is swiming in 200 crocodile his so dumb is parents are not waching him
okay now i'll be impressed when all those are full grown and he does it then. lol
I bet he won’t try that with grown crocodiles lol
He not black
Yeah figure of bit and died that's okay there will different