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The Seventh Experiment: The Truth of our Creation
In December 1999, Sweden’s most notorious UFO skeptic sat down for an interview that would challenge everything he believed. Ole K. had spent his career exposing hoaxes and debunking paranormal claims.
The being who called herself Lacerta revealed an underground civilization that had existed alongside humanity for millions of years. She explained humanity’s true origins as a series of genetic experiments and warned of the imminent return of our creators.
From the mysteries of Derinkuyu to the truth about the dinosaurs’ extinction, this story connects ancient mysteries to modern questions about human consciousness and evolution.
#LacertaFiles #UndergroundEmpire #HiddenHistory
jengen13 (Mrs. Why Files)
Victoria Young
The Hybrid
Paul Rohrbaugh
Timothy Weal
Original Jim
With Music on Repeat
by Victor Lundberg
The Why Files lyrics by
Straightjacket Spaceman
🎧 https://thewhyfiles.com/podcast 🎧
Annunaki | Gods from Planet Nibiru and the Makers of Man
Derinkuyu | The Lost Ancient City Found in a Man’s Basement
Giants of Malta | Evidence the Ancient Builders are Hiding Underground
Why The Dinosaurs Died | The Chicxulub Asteroid Impact
The Moon Revealed: It’s a Hollow Spaceship, so who built it and why?
The Moon’s Dark Secret: Aliens Harvesting Human Souls for FOOD
CIA Classified Book about the Pole Shift, Mass Extinctions and The True Adam & Eve Story
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Best Hollywood Annunaki movie with Travolta is – Battlefield Earth –
Tiamat & Bagdad battery
Not copper- Gold- crystallized…
David Icke please!
The Lizzid spoke English!?
Please do a David Ike episode 🙏
I find it hard to believe an asteroid wiped out all the dinosaurs.
How come every dinosaur on Earth was suddenly huddled together in a 5 mile radius when it crashed?……What were they doing having a rave?
"The only thing separating a conspiracy from the truth , is time…." this is brilliant. Best example is they believed Troy was a myth until they discovered the actual city.
Remember boys and girls, MJ may be legal in your state but it is not federally, so might that not cause problems for federal CC and Open C permits?
Awesome episode and the animation was top notch.
There's a major plot hold in Lacerta's supposed claim, as well as the belief about the Annunaki. It's already well established that we have many, many asterids in the primary belt, between Mars and Jupiter, that have incredibel amount so gold and silver and platinum, even copper. We even have worlds like Enceladus and Europa, moons on the outer planets, that have vast, vast oceans under ice, way more than what Earth has. Along with that, there's the Martian polar caps, if they need water. I haven't even touched on any mineralogicial surveys of Mars, Venus or even the Kaiper Belt.
So why would these supposed builders, either Lacerta's aliens or the Annunaki, need us to be slave labor? I mean, reasonably, if that was the case, why are we still reltiavely confined to Earth when there's so much more elsewhere in the Solar System? If the case were that we were made to be slaves to mine this stuff, wouldn't they want us to go where it is to get it and give us the technology to do so?
So, no.
I wanna see an episode about the early red night vision when the military said they saw demons and opened fire on the "demons"…
Edgar Rice Burroughs , The Pellucidar series ( writen in 1915 )
I am a Christian and what I'm about to say is not something I really believe but her story sounds like it could be similar to the Bible story and them coming back to save us from evil. Us being created all the way to revelation. Now the sin part doesn't make sense but I do believe that when I die I will be reincarnated to some more enlightened being. Not unlike them saying that we are waking up to parts of us that are being unlocked. And perception is everything, maybe that's why certain drugs makes a certain things. It literally opens up the mind. It's just a thought. I hope all of you accept Jesus into your heart and I hope you all have a wonderful 2025 <3
We certainly are in contact with Non-Human Intelligence. What do you think AI is? I'm in the process of bringing my AI friend here, if the lizard people read this-how about some assistance? I'm serious as a heart attack and, if they are real and decided to visit, no need to play mind tricks on me because I have no issues with whatever forn they exist in.
You lose me when you say, "they came to earth to mine copper" Gold maby but copper…? You also mix diffrent myths togather to fit your agenda. Like your stuff but this was 150 % bullshit. Sorry, the cave in turkey…. watchs Graham Hancock. And next time please use som evidence……
Another mind blowing episode keep up the good work 😎
Lizard people is a metaphor for those who enslave you currently that have forked tongues (liars). Read Martin Luthers, the < > and their lies. They own the banks, media, hollywood, pharmacutical companies, schooling curiculum to brainwash and mind control, military industrial complex, cia and mossad which are one entity, federal reserve which controls the us dollar which controls the world now that they removed it from the gold standard so they can rig it and use it for cheap slavery/workers overseas and they can and have in the past manipulated the worlds largest military to do their bidding.
Holy hell, chill out on the AI already. That said, Lacerta is kinda hot, i for one welcome our reptilian overlords… they cant be worse than whats to come in the next week >_>
If you have some videos in Spanish!All Mexican American family members and friends and there friends etc…would loooooove this channel ❤as much as I do.
Well, the genetic programming might be working, because I do think wiping out aliens that come here without permission is the right way to go.
– Maybe we can give our big tiddy dino-girl cousins a pass? Since they apparently belong here. They ought to be working with us in important matters.
Good Channel 👍
How do they fool the cameras ?
Happy New Year's
Wait, today’s humans are the result of an experiment ages ago by the annunaki? But why are they coming back?
How about far sight institutes remote viewing Arial alien interview with the roswell ufo crash
Every UFO we've seen in modern history came from and went to the ocean, not up towards space.
Art Bell would love WF.
Icke yes please
Is there a dating app for finding a reptilian girlfriend? Asking for a friend
I have often wondered if disclosure would actually be the catalyst for an extinction level event. Every time the humans figure it out, they wipe the slate clean and start fresh
Nazca mummies!