Ghost Caught on Camera! 😱 #paranormal #ghost #scary

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About the Author: Ghost Club Paranormal


  1. Hmmm I was so disappointed to see that Beardo debunked this shadow…. 😢 I don’t know if what he says is even correct, but I sure hope not, because I have a lot of respect for you both.

  2. Ive looked at this part of the video about 50 times, I've looked at different speeds, different devices, different sized screens and have come to a conclusion of what i think it looks like.
    If someone was wearing a completely black morph suit and run from back right to front left against a green screen and it was recorded, then someone cut the top half off the body, play it backwards, then thats how it looks to me.
    BUT! given its black and we cant make out any details I'm not sure. 🤔
    I just hope it not a ……….. I'm not saying because if it is then i wouldn't even step into that building. I need to look in my library.

  3. i am a big big fan! can i have a heart or a comment back you dont have to but just know i am a big big big fan i always watch you guys on my phone with head phones and i make it dark!

    keep the good work!!

  4. Regular watcher and fan, my first gut reaction was this was a shadow of one of the guys holding a camera… Then I rewatched it. Again and again. And the normal shadows in the rest of the video. None were this dark and defined. Shadows of the actual investigators are large, blurry, and gray throughout the video. this is compelling

  5. The craziest capture you guys got so far , at least nothing bad happened whenever Jade’s doing a challenge alone , i wonder if the spirits would react differently if Mandy did the challenge 🤔

  6. It's impossible for it to be one of you guy's shadows. Firstly, it's moving, none of you are moving. Secondly, it's not connected to any of you. If it were your own shadow, it would be connected to your feet.(Don't know if I am saying it right), it's free standing.

    So I genuinely don't know what it could be if not an actual paranormal shadow figure.

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