Hero dog saves kitten from road

Hero dog saves kitten from road
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Just like a scene out of a Disney movie 👏😍

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  1. …..and in NYC people get hit by cars everyday. They don''t even have the intelligence of a stray dog to stay on the damn sidewalk. These people are also allowed to VOTE !!! and have children.

  2. I am sorry, all I see is a dog with more sense than people. Maybe the camera man could have gone to get the kitten? Sheesh. And then what happened? The dog and kitten just continued to be stray? Ugh

  3. Instead of filming for views on YouTube and risking the kitten being hit by a car, you should have moved it from the road yourself instead of relying on the poor dog.

  4. Wow nature and nurture. This amazing dog knew exactly what to do and took care of the tiny helpless kitten😊. The poor kitty was completely oblivious to the danger he or she was in. Sat washing her face, grooming herself within a whisker of the passing traffic . Some heroes don't wear capes, he or she saved it's life ❤

  5. Fake. Staged. Fake. These fake kitten/cat rescue videos from China and India are to be banned and avoided. They are not real and are mass made by con artists working together. These cats are abused. Deliberately injured or even killed to make these videos. The content creators do not care about cats. They are looking to make money. The videos all follow a similar formula. You do not have to believe me, do some research. Search Fake Cat Rescue Videos on Google or YouTube. And black channels that pander to these. Please note, not all pet related channels share this fake content. Think about it. This another fake video from China.

  6. Nearly 150K have watched this.. somehow i got dragged into the algorithm too. "WE LOVE ANIMALS" Give me a break.. despite the I took it to roadside comment.. you thought youd hang around and film it.. Shame on you, and shame on youtube for making this a recommended post.

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