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About the Author: JayPrehistoricPets
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This one can turn solid bone into a bone plate with one bite 💀
Volldepp, lass das, Tier in Ruhe.
Alligator snapper is strongest mouth ever?
I never saw a giant alligator snapping turtle
those things are more than 100 pounds! dude is strong as hell
That is not a crocodile that is a snaping turtle stop hurting them they can feel on the shel and they have feelings 😡
Dude was just chilling, then got hoisted into unfamiliar territory 😂😂
That's a monster 🅒🅞🅞🅛
Wtf that's an evolved Pokémon 😂
Awwww such a cutie ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mr gamaken 💚
Bro pulled up Bowser
Dude definitely got amoeba
I am not an expert but I think not very smart yo put ur head there.
Worth like 2 dollars in red dead redemption 2.
Éste señor si que juega con su vida, después dicen negligencia, yo le llamaría brutitos
He wasnt under water because he was trying to grab the turtle, but because of the weight of his massive balls
Na thats miniature anlylosaurus
Godzilla who
That is twice a size💀
wartortle I choose yoouuuuuuuuuuuuu
Bro captured Bowser
Bro really pulled out a a dinosaur from 999 billion BC
beezlebufo: hey buddy lets fight
aligator sapping turtle: oh sh
sulcata tortis: is he cooked
salt water crocidile: not just him us to💀
Going anywhere near that thing is one thing, pulling it out of the water like your pet dog is another
Is that bowser?
I've seen aligators smaller than this 🐢