Wedding AITA Drama That Lives In My Head Rent Free – COMPILATION
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Hey ya’ll! Today on my channel, we’ve got something extra special – a COMPILATION of my best videos and most iconic moments! 🎉 Get ready to laugh, cringe, and roll your eyes with me as we revisit some of the funniest reactions, savage clapbacks, and all the juicy drama. If you’re a fan of entitled people, petty revenge, wedding fails, or just love a good roast – you’re in the right place!
Enjoy! 😎🙌
#charlottedobre #reaction #react #reactionchannel #compilation #funnyvideos #bestmoments
Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel, I do reactions, commentary and occasionally make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, TikTok and OF COURSE, petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.
Edited By Kelly Paoli
Footage/Sounds/Effects provided by Storyblocks
End screen song:
Defunk – (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)
4:55 The long nails thing.? I must admit i LOATHE this 3 ft finger sabre trend & cannot WAIT for it to be over!! BUT the only reason i think it is ok to request a change in this case is because the ‘offender’ will be “doing a reading.” She will ostensibly be standing at a microphone, handling papers or pages. Will her talons be click-clacking obnoxiously the entire time, distracting completely from the reading itself?! Gross. & unbearable! Anxiety-inducing just thinking about it…
If what i imagine is the likelihood, tacky mani gotta go!
Damned if u drink damned if u dont.
Yes its true im 40 n havent went out to drink or even drink at home i just dont like it so i just choose not to. Ill just let u know no one wants to hang out or do anything once they know ur clean and dont drink. 😢 i have 0 friends
About the tea ceremony I just think they don’t want to buy her a gift that’s it. I think that’s the reasoning. That’s why they’re sayingit’s dumb.
My best friend's daughter had a kid free wedding. She did it knowing that her cousins' children were feral. There were quite a few out of town guests, so she provided childcare. She had her niece as the lone exception, who was also the flower girl. My son was married the next weekend. Our immediate family and the bride's extended family had a bunch of kids so there were kids in attendance. The flower girl asked Grandma, (my friend) "Will I be the only child again?" She had behaved beautifully but was bored. All of the kids behaved during the ceremony and through the "special" dances. Once the general dancing opened up they had a blast but just dancing/jumping around the dance floor. No one minded. All of the parents/grandparents would have removed anyone who caused a disturbance. My son who was a single dad was a groomsman so if his kids got fidgety, I would have left with them but they were great. Why people think it is funny or acceptable to raise humans that no one wants nearby, I'll never understand.
I cannot listen to that bridesmaid give a speech. It puckers my ahole
I (30f at the time) went to a big dance one night, danced all night and had a beer bottle in my hand all night. The after party was a lot of fun and at 5 AM there was only two of us left awake. He asked for a drink of my beer. He didn’t know that I only drank one beer at the beginning of the dance and filled the bottle up with water the rest of the night. Had a great time and no one bugged me about not drinking. I gave him a swallow of my “beer“. He took a swallow and spit it across the room and incredulously asked me how I could be up and awake and still having fun drinking water all night?!?!? I just laughed and told him I didn’t need alcohol to have a good time! Walking around with my beer/water bottle worked many times. As long as people see you with a drink, they’re happy. And you have fun and you don’t have their hangover the next day! 😊
In that last story, I would’ve done worse.
I would’ve started the speech by thanking the bride for giving such clear instructions on what to do for the wedding, then follow that by reading aloud all the nasty texts she sent.
To the bride who didn't want underage drinking at her wedding… FUN FACT! Here in the states, most states have laws that make You liable for underage drinkers if something were to happen. The venue would get sued as well (although most have clauses in their contracts about this) She was 100% correct 🤷♀️
The kids sound autistic/adhd – either undiagnosed or ignored. By the impatience, unable to sit still , getting naked and more. Just because kids have these behavioural problems doesn’t mean this should happen though. I would never take my two to a wedding right now. I possibly would take my son as he learns and we help him. But those parents clearly aren’t dealing with whatever the cause is.
She mentioned the race because she called her a white trash homewrecker… ps not saying it’s right or excusing it, but that is the only reason I can’t think she mentioned it…that or she just wants you to pity her because she is the different person…turns out it isn’t just her race it’s also her personality.
The problem is more likely that the venue has very strick rules about the drinking age and can hold the bride and groom responsible.. If you have a problem because of that you have to make clear that she cannot drink. I know of places we that have shut down weddings because of underage drinking, actually, I believe you did a video on one.
On the ungrateful and greedy friend. If you are in the same situation, there are other things you can do, bake them homemade goods,a hand made gift if you knit, sew, or do other types of things. I know one lady who used to make copies of beautiful poems and decorated them with flowers. Even rich people loved them and proudly put them in their homes.
Kids did not use to act like this at weddings. If you invite children, know them and their parents very well, also clearly state you requests. Its the parents fault and you need to know them.
I cannot thank you enough for starting these compilation videos. I now have a great eventful podcast I can listen to while cleaning every week!! ❤❤❤❤
Didn't know they existed in real life, but a mother-in-law minder (for my mom) has ALWAYS been a part of my perfect dream wedding scenario. I feel so seen right now.
I already told my oldest daughter if my adorable granddaughter or grandson act up at my youngest daughter’s wedding she needs to have a backup plan for them
Here's an idea;
If you're planning a big and costy wedding, maybe one with kids present, maybe there'll be alcohol in people's systems, etc. With the invitation, add a cclear note that by RSVP-ing they officially agree to be held financially responsible if they themselves or their kids break or otherwise ruin or destroy something at the event, either by purpose or direct carelessness.
Accidents happen, and we don't hold people responsible for those. But getting so blackout drunk or angry that you break something is not an accident. Allowing your kids to run wild without supervision is not an accident. Pulling a stupid prank that was doomed to go wrong is not an accident. If it then leads to things such as ruining food, decor, clothes, etc, then you pay people back for it. Period.
If anyone complains and calls you entitled, rude or tacky for it, ask them why this contract might be a problem for them personally. If they know that they can behave themselves and/or their children at a classy event like this, then why can't they sign that paper? Again, we don't blame anyone for an actual accident, so what's the problem?
Naturally, if you have a smaller wedding and only invite people you love and trust, there's surely no need. Especially since such people would more than likely own up to their mistakes and offer compensation anyway, by the odd chance it was needed. But for a big wedding where you may not be incredibly close with everyone attending, it's nice to have a tiny bit of insurance. If someone got my entire cake to fall to the floor for a stupid reason, you best believe they are paying for that whole cake.
Yes kids are family. All weddings ive been to had the whole family. IF that EVER happened, since it is all family, that wouldve been nipped in the bud. My family wouldn't allow any kid family or not behave in that manner. Parents can leave too. Why didnt ANYBODY at that gathering do something! Especially at the church. Its everybodys fault letting that happen!
Those things with kids could never happen in an eastern european country 🫣 i am sorry but kids needs boundries and if they missbehave and they are little they need light spanking. My mum was never pro beating kids and when i was over like 7-8 i never got any spanking but when i was really little it was benefical – i have no recolection of it but definitely helped with behaviour.Small kids are a reflection of their parents parenting style and nowadays ppl are often wayyy too soft on them and then they dont understand that they have little monsters at home.
The drinking thing is RIDICULOUS!!!!!! WHO CARES if someone decides not to drink. Can people not make their OWN choices 🙄 I haven't drank since 2016! Do NOT miss it! Almost killed me. If I have a wedding it will be ALCOHOL-FREE!!! If that means fewer guests, fine 🙂
The bride with the contract…Honestly I would won’t a contract with family/friends more so than a stranger. Unfortunately not everyone has had trusting and caring families & we’ve had to find out the hard way. 🥴
I’m glad to hear that photographer was a pro and got as many nice details before shit hit the fan
I used to be a wedding videographer and I don’t have to deal with any of this anymore. Not sure how I feel about that one
My cousin had a 19+ wedding. That meant less than half of one ‘family’ of cousins could come, there are 7 kids varying ages, and so our aunt turned down her invitation (I think) almost spitefully because not all of her children were invited.
She wasn’t missed lol
1:02:09 what was the brother accused of? I think people missed that part.
It depends on local laws where you live, but where I lived growing up, EVERYONE 21+ at the party is responsible for any underage drinking, typically receiving just a written warning so long as the ratio of minors to adults was kept below 1:10. The homeowners who threw the party would always be fined though.
In the case of getting caught with underage drinking at a wedding venue would ultimately fall solely on the owners of the venue where the drinking took place.
Depending on how many “strikes” the venue already had may result in the forfeit of their alcohol permit, incur a hefty fine, and (best case) would ultimately result in a financial loss of future revenue or (worst case) force them to lose their business license completely.
Regardless, if minor consumption is reported, not only would this bring a scene having police show up, but the venue owner would have no choice but to evict everyone off the property immediately. (Yes, I’ve seen this happen many times growing up.)
It’s one thing to have the bride and groom forced to have their special day abruptly end early, but to also get sued for breach of contract by the venue owner was common occurrence.
I personally, my vote is with the bride — and completely understand why the bride doesn’t want to worry about this on her wedding day, especially since she is of age and her friend (even though just a year younger) is not.
I am literally imagining in my head, walking up to her .Whispering in her ear ,Give me the F…..n Microphone you blithering idiot .Apologising to everyone for what we just witnessed 😮 WtF did I just watch 😂😂😂
On the kids situation as a mom of two rambunctious boys I can clearly say THE PARENTS were at fault. Last wedding we attended we made sure to speak to our kids 4&6 about expectations and about how important this day was for the bride and groom. We also packed snacks, gadgets (they only use on special occasions) and small toys. We had a great time and they behaved very well because my husband and I tagged team caring for them.
People can be so entitled 🤦♀️
I'm so glad i can have a great time no matter what… and definitely without alcohol! No need for alcohol… you just need the right kinda ppl lol!
I think I would not invite children to a wedding that I did not know the parents of, and how they interact. I would probably insist that if kids were coming, I'd like to meet up with their parents before the wedding at their leisure in order to observe. If they could not behave even in public, for a couple hours, then I'd ask they don't come. Some people may get mad, but… who cares? If I was paying for an expensive wedding, I'd not invite those who would disturb it. Why would I want to? Our party, our rules, so family who were known to be problematic, wouldn't be invited either.
I can top the kid wedding disaster – my sister let her 3 year old RUN LOOSE in the church at my grandmother’s FUNERAL!!
Then, at the church lunch for the family, he ran around grabbing food off the pot luck table and throwing it at people. When I tried to corral him, she SCREAMED for me to leave her kid alone – ‘he’s acting out cause he’s grieving…‘
Never been more mortified in my entire life!
But she did let her know….and people who go thru traumatic events arent always feeling the full effect of trauma right away. It can set in and get worse over time. Sometimes like waves. Having survived similar thing I can say the bride is an absolute p.o.s.
Wedding speeches should be banned.
I vould plan my wedding for somewhere ive always wanted to go and elope.
As for the girl who ‘wasn’t going to drink’, I’d say if she’s make a production of how she’s ’giving up/not participating’ because it ‘interferes’ with her precious relationship with her fiancé; I’d have to say ESH.
Getting upset with someone because things aren’t their cup of tea is def AH behavior. People aren’t obliged to participate just because the bride thinks that will be a buzzkill if they aren’t ogling the male stripper or getting blitzed at the reception.
However, if the girl has taken a ‘holier than thou’ attitude about ‘not defiling herself…’; I’d say tell her she should ‘skip the whole thing’ to avoid corruption.
Can someone tell me what OP means?
On the white woman marrying a black man and forcing his daughter to go to the wedding story. I would say YTA for forcing her to go to the wedding part, but otherwise, the girl sounds like a brat.
Then to answer and reply to some things. I think their races were brought up because the daughter insults her using race so it just clarifies the races so the insults make sense (as without that information it would be confusing?).
I hate the person whose comment says "not to play innocent" because he bought her an apartment when he was still married. That means nothing. Maybe it was emotional infidelity but at that point, I really don't think it was, or that it matters, since they (husband and first wife) were already getting a divorce because the daughter's mom/the ex-wife cheated on the husband.
The daughter just seems butthurt that he dad decided to leave her (cheating) mother and find a new happy relationship instead of staying with her (again cheating) mother. She also seems butthurt that the new Mrs. is a white woman (I don't really understand why though). She's just a stupid butthurt kid who can't stand that her dad decided to get into a new relationship and not stay with her mom.
Still, though I think OP is wrong and the asshole because if the daughter doesn't want to be there she shouldn't have to be and bribery is just wrong. And honestly why would you want someone with that kind of negativity there in the first place?
I don’t drink, my friends do but respect me. My bachelorette Party was a surprise Board-game Night with Gourmet Mac & cheese buffet and our favorite music I had a blast. Still friends through thick and thin.
Sheesh! When your kid gets twisty (it happens) you remove them from the situation! Why is this so hard for some people to understand?? Restaurants, grocery stores, theatres, and CERTAINLY WEDDINGS…just go!
The parents might be nervous that they don't know what the process is for the tea ceremony and are afraid they'll embarrass themselves by doing something wrong.
Can you talk them through it, or show them videos about what to expect?
That ight help calm their nerves.
But wasn't the vacation with the older sister planned BEFORE your bf proposed?
That would mean you scheduled your wedding knowing they would be out of the country that day?
That first story pissed me tf off. I didn’t have the same situation happen to me because there was no big trip involved, but I recently cut off a few friends because of something similar. I was SA’d less than 6 months ago. I’m doing better now but in the immediate aftermath, I could barely get out of bed. Or shower. Or brush my teeth. Or really function at all. I didn’t have the energy to talk to people very much or make plans of any kind. I had a few friends who said I was a bad friend because I wasn’t putting effort into the friendships during this time period. The reality is, I was putting in as much effort as I had the ability to give. But I couldn’t be the good time buddy while I didn’t even want to be alive. If there had been some big trip scheduled right after that happened, I sure as hell wouldn’t have been able to make myself go either.
I went to a wedding with my toddler and as soon as he started acting up i knew he wouldn't calm down so i left
As bad as i wanted to stay it's the bride's and groom's wedding i couldn't let my kid crying to distract everyone from the wedding! And they didn't wanted us to leave but naaah it's their special day
27:55 this is from dramatize me 🎉