Caught on tape in Africa’s wild Serengeti is a stunning act of violence between two top predators. Three cheetahs are brutally attacked by two male lions – the first time an attack like this has ever been filmed.
Cat Wars: Lion vs. Cheetah | S1, E1
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African Predators Fight to the Death (Full Episode) | Cat Wars: Lion vs. Cheetah | Nat Geo Animals
Nat Geo Wild
Very nice
How does a lion 🦁 catch a cheetah 🐆🤦🏽♂️
Nice reupload lol
Guys this is normal lions usually kill cheethas some times kill lion cubs
11:48 the 3 stooges
It would be nice to hear the narrator, but the music is too loud
2:17 that’s a better takeoff than my Chrysler 300
34:15 Hyenas the true Queens of the jungle
16:50 these nerdy guys are "surprised" how heavily males can be infatuated by females. Dude we know yall are nerds stop acting like women were never a problem for you.
I love watching this fight rather than Hollywood action movies
This is really sad
fake tough guys like you need to grow up, not women with gentle hearts.
Great footage, but it was quite repetitive. This episode could have easily been cut in half.
I feel for the cheetah honestly they jave ot worse of all afican cats
Lion just wanted some cheetohs case solved
Surprised Nat Geo couldn’t be bothered to spend the 2 mins it would take to edit out the ad breaks 🙃🤷🏽♂️
who ever did this video is DUMB,, they pause and cut out parts of the lion that's killing the cheetah,,
Maybe they should try milking some of the animals and feeding them that instead
BOTH SIDES ?! They Both Kill Each Others Cubs . Point Blank Period "Problem" Solved And The Cheetahs (From Info Provided) Are More Correct Then Lions Because The Lions Kill Lion Cubs .
ربي اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات .
There driven bye instinct and are efficient no doubt brutal
I think its bcuz the cheetah threatened the lion so the lion wanted to show them who’s king
As a cheetah, i can verify that lions are not our good friends. There's no way this comment is
getting more than one like…
His place up on that hill is pretty cool.
The video is really great and engaging, thank you!