That’s not how the law works just because you say you don’t wanna press charges doesn’t mean the law doesn’t want press charges. Officials from the government can totally go arrest the guy for you know assault and battery.
He did nothing wrong and they beat him… That's horrible
can’t stand the way you talk
Yo bro ur hair looks good like this it looks better than the comb over
stop saying aspergers bro please, its a nazi term and hurts us more than youll know
it’s similar but not exactly like back in 1st & 2nd yr college but i used self defense & my brain, many of them stopped & 1 of them literally got karma eeeesh.
racists, misunderstandings, stereotyping, social expectations, ostracism, being the most minority, false accusations, f*** all that lol.
i miss my social life back in 2019, i still accept the present & move on since 2020.
long story but i won’t say much
Why does every person in this world always have the Us them mentality
i have aspergers too (diagnosed very recently) sending love! ❤
Those kids learned nothing and u let them of the hook by doing this they are definitely going to repeat there mistake
Gavin: *Reading alone in a corner. * Bullies: YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS?? YE WANTA PEICE O DIS?? Gavin: *smacks the book in their face * Read, buffoon, and learn.
“Teaching a lesson” to someone who has a mental disorder and minds their own business is fucked up if people think like that they clearly think they are making the world a better place when they are not
They just wanted an excuse to commit a bad act.
Bro got assigned homework
Asperger's is not a term we use a whole lot. It's named after a pretty bad person. Asperger's is just another name for autism.
Poor guy didn't want to get punched
Bro has no enemies
But still, what those guys did was ducked up, they should still get charges.
Man of honor!!!
Being beaten up for minding your business is crazy
Anyone here nov 2024??
bro him moving out of the frame at the end of every sentence lmfaoo 😂
Imagine what that 20 min sperg-o-thon he forced then to watch was like 💀
Power move
cheekist dox
Bro in 2021 😊
Bro in 2025💀
still should've pressed charges
I like your hair
He should've press charges
That’s not how the law works just because you say you don’t wanna press charges doesn’t mean the law doesn’t want press charges. Officials from the government can totally go arrest the guy for you know assault and battery.
He did nothing wrong and they beat him… That's horrible
can’t stand the way you talk
Yo bro ur hair looks good like this it looks better than the comb over
stop saying aspergers bro please, its a nazi term and hurts us more than youll know
it’s similar but not exactly like back in 1st & 2nd yr college but i used self defense & my brain, many of them stopped & 1 of them literally got karma eeeesh.
racists, misunderstandings, stereotyping, social expectations, ostracism, being the most minority, false accusations, f*** all that lol.
i miss my social life back in 2019, i still accept the present & move on since 2020.
long story but i won’t say much
Why does every person in this world always have the Us them mentality
i have aspergers too (diagnosed very recently) sending love! ❤
Those kids learned nothing and u let them of the hook by doing this they are definitely going to repeat there mistake
Gavin: *Reading alone in a corner. *
Gavin: *smacks the book in their face * Read, buffoon, and learn.
“Teaching a lesson” to someone who has a mental disorder and minds their own business is fucked up if people think like that they clearly think they are making the world a better place when they are not
They just wanted an excuse to commit a bad act.
Bro got assigned homework
Asperger's is not a term we use a whole lot. It's named after a pretty bad person. Asperger's is just another name for autism.
Poor guy didn't want to get punched
Bro has no enemies
But still, what those guys did was ducked up, they should still get charges.
Man of honor!!!
Being beaten up for minding your business is crazy
Anyone here nov 2024??
bro him moving out of the frame at the end of every sentence lmfaoo 😂
Imagine what that 20 min sperg-o-thon he forced then to watch was like 💀
No joke that guy has the same name as me