League of Legends season 15 Mel Gameplay!
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Mel is Lux Reimagined
The Nami player was so good.
those new turrets look silly and ugly…
watched the video as its 1st Mel gameplay vid come up on my feed. Won't be subbing to this man child who doesn't know how to build, what items do, who doesn't give credit to his team for carrying his arse, not giving credit to enemy team throwing themselves for doing dumb shit to the point they still throwing themselves into fight with a 6 level deficit at the end. over all a pretty useless content creator with no insight of champion or game. This video was the end result of watching a moron play and they claim they are good for the other 9 people in the game doing everything to benefit him.
Turns out launch champions are pretty strong, I give it 1 week before the nerfs
Is Mel a model?
YOOOO imagine HERE13:19 you W the ally nami ult into them ?!?!?! insane pro play potential.
13:33 A half health instant unavoidable execute? Yeah I think she's getting nerfed man.
Another champ with an execute? Real original… what the hell is up with these champ designers? So her Q is like Kaisa, her E is like Smolder but adds a root, and she has execute like Smolder. AWESOME INTERESTING UNIQUE
look carefull at 18:37 he reflect at diana q
Wait, whats her rune build?
She can block a lux ult
Waaay more broken than morgana + nee
EXECUTE on passive ATK and ULT is stupid broken
The best champion in the game ❤
7:04 her passive execute threshold stacks infinitely.
When she casts an ability is when her aa has more projectiles. Up to 9
I got a nerf idea: throw her out of the game
My guess is the bloodletter has a minimum time between stacks applying, server ticks maybe?
its literally just another vladamir lmfao
i like champions from tft…
shes beyond broken, like beyond broken.
It did reflect Diana's Q 🙂
1:20 anivia q with other animations and thats the problem what i have with riotgames
I love how a mod i used to play on warcraft 3 is now a cringetastic mess of random characters with no history or link to other games. Just a random guy with random skills. Amd this ls popular? Lol yall are cute. Kiddo on I guess
Glad to see riot balance at work. Dear God, if she used any of this in the show why would anyone actually pose a threat to her ever. She could have easily taken down everyone without breaking a sweat.
i like her dress
This gonna get hella views Zwag pookie
Enjoy Mel while she is still too OP 😂
what if sylas steals mel ult?
I thought Senna was Mel in arcane but has not got her soul powers yet lol
Looks like anivia throwing her Q and stun
I think league should add lotus orb and black king bar from dota so they can truly understand what true suffering feels like, that spell reflect is nothing XD
Hello, Humans
There's always enough time in a day. Be sure to never waste time.
@TC Zawg do the Jack Black Impersonation. 🙂