Rate the Cutest Dog | Dog Breed Tier List

Rate the Cutest Dog | Dog Breed Tier List
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Which of the adorable dogs on this list do you find more cuteness? Get ready for some cuteness overload in Rate the Cutest Dog Tier List Challenge!

In this tier list you’ll be given a dog brief and 5 options to rank it by: adorable, cute, sweet, ugly or unlovable! Your challenge is to rank the dog by it’s cuteness! Which adorable pups will make it to the top of you list? Let us know in the comments!

We hope you enjoy playing Rate the Cutest Dog Tier List Challenge! For more super fun emoji quiz videos, and other quizzes and games, subscribe to our channel, The Quiz Show. We promise fun!


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  1. 1. Corgi – cute
    2. Labrador – cute
    3. Chihuahua – cute
    4. Siberian Husky – in the middle
    5. Border Collie – in the middle
    6. Chow – ugly
    7. Alsatian – ugly
    8. French Bulldog – funny lookin
    9. Dachshund- in the middle
    10. Dobie – in the middle
    11. Great Dane – in the middle
    12. Beagle – cute
    13. Golden Retriever – it looks good
    14. Samoyed – it looks good
    15. Boxr – ugly
    16. Greyhound – in the middle
    17. Rottie – in the middle
    18. Akita – in the middle
    19. Dalmatian – in the middle
    20. poodle – in the middle
    21. Otterhound – in the middle
    22. pug -ugly
    23. cockr spaniel – cute
    24. German Spitz – cute
    25. Azawakh – in the middle
    26. Chinook – in the middle
    27. Chin Tzu – in the middle
    28. Thai Ridgebak – ugly
    29. Stabyhoun – cute
    30. Lagotto Romagnoto – funny lookin
    31. Corgidor – in the middle
    32. Bloodhound – ugly
    33. Basset Hound – in the middle
    34. Lowcgen – in the middle
    35. Mudi – cute
    36. Swedush Valhund – in the middle
    37. Maltese – cute
    38. Fox Terrier – in the middle
    39. Jack Russell Terrier – in the middle
    40. pitbull the middle

  2. ❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🎉😊❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊🎉❤🎉❤😊❤😂🎉😊😂😂😂❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊

  3. Corgi 💖
    Labbrador 🫢 sorry, not my fav
    Chihuahua 🥰
    Siberian husky 💖🫢 in between
    Border collie 💖
    Chow chow 🥰
    German Shepherd 💖
    French bulldog 🥰
    Dachshund 💖
    Dobermann 🫢 it’s not that cute to me
    Great Dane 💖
    Beagle 😍
    Golden retriever 🥰
    Samoyed 😍
    Boxer 💖
    Greyhound 🫢
    Rottweiler 💖
    Akita 😍
    Dalmatian 💖
    Poodle 😍
    Otter hound 💖
    Pug 🥰
    Cocker spaniel 🥰
    German spitz 😍
    Azawakh 💖
    Chinook 💖
    Shih tzu 😍
    Thai Ridgeback 🫢
    Staby houn 💖
    Legato Romagnolo 😍
    Corgidor 💖
    Bloodhound 🫢💖 between
    Basset hound same as the blood hound rating
    Lochen 😍
    Mudi 💖
    Swedish vallhund 💖
    Maltese 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 cute
    Fox terrier 💖
    Jack Russell terrier 💖
    Pitbull 💖

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