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About the Author: Kamp Kenan


  1. I like keepers that also enjoy their animals, Kenan i remember not to long ago, you got rid of all your snakes, because you wanted to focus on lizards. I am a long-time snake keeper; they will only stay active if you spend times with the animal on a daily basis. It does not matter what kind of snake it is. I have a couple of BOA that are very active when they see me except during shed. I do know you always find your animals good homes when it does not work out!

  2. I loved this video. What an amazing place and some beautiful snakes. It's amazing to see someone just breeding for natural colours and not morphs. Another build i look forward to watching.

  3. Kenan, love your videos, your attitude towards the hobby but are we getting a video about the new docu series about the reptile trade? Your very good friend tom is involved in a very dark way… Would appreciate how you feel about everything that’s going on.

  4. Wow! Sick reptile room! Love ya Kenan! Been watching since the beginning it's been awesome watching you and your channel grow to what it is! Keep crushing big guy!🙏🏻✌🏻💪🏻

  5. I didn't really get into snakes until I researched native u.s colubrids and now I have a bullsnake and hopefully getting a Florida rat snake if I could afford one I'd definitely get a indigo

  6. I got 3 leopard boa’s and they are active in the morning, afternoon and evening. I really love them and being fascinated with them. Because I have had the normal boa’s and they weren’t that active at all. Also the leopard boa”s have a red and black color and black eyes❤

  7. I’m watching this video right now ! Does anyone know the brand of these enclosures ? They are beautiful & are exactly what I’ve been looking for to upgrade my monitors & geckos in. He mentioned it’s some company in California, but never revealed the name and I’m not Seeing any names on the enclosures. If anybody knows, let me know ! Thanks !

  8. Mites also reproduce rapidly in a closed terrarium and have all the food they need with one snake, a snake in the wild will move, bask, soak etc. this breaks the life cycle of the mite because a mite has to leave the host to lay eggs so when a snake moved all the time, populations can sustain on one animal and cause an infestation.

  9. Great video! I think the name "Athena" would be nice for your new snake! She is beautiful and strong! I enjoyed seeing this facility and how clean and naturalistic all of the enclosures are. This is a great standard to set for animal care! ❤

  10. This is awesome! Love his set up. I like that he has a normal day job, but still lives his life enjoying his reptile hobby too 🎸 very relatable lol 🐍 awesome video and interview! Love the snakes!

  11. @16:03 — Funny how I can look at a snake now and if I KNOW it's non-venomous I can actually think "That's cute!"
    Look at a spider, and it's still gross to me! LOL

  12. Satanica is absolutely a gorgeous snake and I’m not really a snake person. What a beautiful snake building too, you can really tell just how much he loves his scalebaies Wanting to wish you all the very best positive healing vibes and my very best wishes and of course massive hugs for your procedure this week. Sending big hugs to kate Sofia and Leo as I’m sure they will be taking extra care to try and keep you resting and recovering properly even if that means they have to sit on you 😁🤗🐢🤗

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