The Worst Natural Disasters of All Time Thomas Mulligan — January 16, 2025 37 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
And now you know why China isn't interested in fighting wars abroad. Mother nature looking like 👀👀👀👀.
The cyclone's name was bhola cyclone disaster in Bangladesh and it was the most deadly cyclone and hurricane ever!!!!!
Not surprising China takes the cake when most of their history is one despot dethroning another and 40 million Chinese die as a result.
There’s a huge fire in la right now I am evacuated and staying by my bffs
Who tf is counting all of these bodies?
What about the Pompey eruption
In August 6 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed claiming 11,000 people died that day
Welp that is 240,000 people’s Christmas ruined
I love how straight to the point this video is
China can’t catch a break
What happened a decade after 526?
And now you know why China isn't interested in fighting wars abroad. Mother nature looking like 👀👀👀👀.
I am very dubious about the supposed death tolls of events that happened over 1,000 years ago.
So 240k people died on my 2nd birthday… damn…
people who are from greece like this comment
Jeez, Mother Nature fucking HATES China.
That’s crazy 😮
Does the plauge count
nukes: will decimate an entire city
large scale natural disaster: 🥱🥱rookie numbers
The global flood of Genesis Ch. 7-8.
I'd say one of them would be your hairline.
No plilipens
Here I am thinking Pompei lol. wtf are those numbers😭
China is what the U.S. is in disaster movies
Did you know that Turkey Earthquake in 2023 claimed over 50,000 lives?
Instead of focusing on these disasters, people spread their hatred on China via comments
I don't believe those numbers..its borderline fear mongering
The cyclone's name was bhola cyclone disaster in Bangladesh and it was the most deadly cyclone and hurricane ever!!!!!
All i know is God is an asshole.
China is a terrible place to live for so many reasons
Wow this video really made me question our purpose of living
Actually it was the dinosaur meteor because it took the lives of sooooo many dinosaurs
Mother Nature, definitely has beef with China;
Not surprising China takes the cake when most of their history is one despot dethroning another and 40 million Chinese die as a result.
So, what I learned is that we massively overblow Pompeii
Check the number, it's unreal
So China is made in China. Basically..
bro what's up with china