When Dumb Guys Get Knocked Out By Real Fighters
Dumb Regular Guys KOd by Real Fighters
Part 1- https://youtu.be/bmnHi976EeQ
Part 2- https://youtu.be/XsilSV58pts
Part3- https://youtu.be/3D5rV5WGJz0
Part4- https://youtu.be/4ROvwVUwHJU
In the world of combat sports, the gap between a trained fighter and a regular guy is immense.
While most of us understand this as common sense, there are some who just don’t seem to grasp the reality.
Many bullies may have had a good run in school, intimidating others without consequence, and this false sense of superiority often carries into adulthood. However, arrogance has a way of catching up, and when these individuals finally face a real fighter, they quickly realize how delusional they have been.
Enjoy this video showcasing moments where fake “tough guys” get exposed.
All of these clips are demonstrated in a professional sport setting.
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For copyright matters, please contact: infogratzgroup@gmail.com
Music: Epidemic Sounds
#sports #mma #karma
Dude that said punches metal for fun goes to my school🥲
The street beefs guys are a bunch of clowns that never made it who desperately associate with cans to rack up cheap wins for their made up records. I don’t even think there’s a single purple belt or above in their whole shit.
Used to be a bar star thought i could fight cuz i was big and strong and fast got beat by a amateur 20 pounds less. Startig boxing and grappling 7 years later im greatful cuz now im hard to kill
Mokaev actually thought the first guy was the MMA Guru awhile back. Had me dying 🤣
2:48 I’ll give it to him, he took a beating and never went down! With no prior experience!
Thanks for nothing! You censored every reason for watching! Please…go away!
Ai narration again yay
A child can beat them
00:22 is streetbeefs bossman.
He talking about my mom, she’s a ho but no one can call her a hoe.
What a biaaatch!!!
the dude at 8:45 seemed barred out of his mind
The first video is ASS seen the original .
first one is funny, took the first dude like 20 shots to drop him then once he's concussed the dad got to add more CTE, classy shit
We respect you for giving us the opportunity to give you CTE which will cause you to beocme a dribbling vegetable in later life.
Hell was the first guy thinking for showing up?
First guy sounds like he should teach his son to not run his mouth to a bunch of guys because he boxes in his spare time.
Was the first guy from street beefs?
Aussie tradies converted the workshop into a dojo…classic
streamer is a crybaby pansy
That streamer had it coming !!!!
Ha Ha tubby McLard 😅😅😅😅😂😂😂 justice is so sweet 😊
The streamer vid doesn't belong here. He assaulted somebody because he's a petulant child.
His mom is type bad af tho 😂
Streamer is now in prison and his mom is getting smashed by 4 college dudes 😂😂😂
As a really young man, I did my share of street fighting where THERE ARE NO RULES! I was 6' and 185 lbs. I fought a few Golden Gloves guys and took them out in the first 30 seconds. My first strikes were groin kicks. When they went down, my second strikes were hard toed boot kicks to the foreheads if I could get a good shot. Or shots to the Adam's Apple . . . Most Fighters don't expect to get hit in the throat, and it's usually a shock they don't recover from! I only hung around long enough to collect my money!
Streamer was a dick.
Insane how people who have definitely never ever boxed think they can. Hard lesson to learn
I would’ve never known about streetbeefs sons lore if it wasn’t for this video lol
Skill beats size until size gets lucky. Then it's good night skill.