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🇻🇳 *Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)*
🇮🇳 India
The Indian Food…that Indians Hate!!
🇬🇧 England, United Kingdom
Millionaire Meat Pie!! London’s $700 British Pastry!!
🇪🇹 Ethiopia
How Africa’s Lip Plate Tribe Eats!!
🇰🇷 South Korea
Eating bugs in Korea! – South Korea [Best Ever Food Review Show]
🇹🇭 Thailand
Risky Thai Street Food!! Even Locals Don’t Eat This!!
🇵🇪 Peru
Raw Alpaca Kidney!! Peru’s Extreme Mountain Food!!
🇻🇳 Vietnam
World’s Expensivest Animal Organ!! Eating ONLY Liver For 24 Hours!!! (Feat. Soy Tiet)
🇹🇿 Tanzania
WORST Food I’ve Tried!! SHOCKING African Tribal Food of the Datoga!!
🇰🇷 South Korea
Exotic KOREAN FOOD Tour! SUPER STRANGE food found only in Seoul, South Korea!
🇵🇪 Peru
Amazon Jungle Catch and Cook!! Exotic Rainforest Meats!!
Intro» 0:00
0:26 » (10) Live Silkworm Pupa – India
1:58 » (9) Eel Jelly – UK
3:00 » (8) Raw Cow Stomach – Ethiopia
5:42 » (7) Silkworm Pupa – Korea
6:29 » (6) Cow Bile Dip – Thailand
8:00 » (5) Raw Alpaca Kidney – Peru
9:25 » (4) Stingray Liver – Vietnam
10:28 » (3) Raw Cow Organ – Tanzania
12:31 » (2) Fermented Skate – Korea
13:53 » (1) Armadillo – Peru
15:24 » Recap & Outro (Peace!)
15:37 » Eating Vietnamese Noodles!
#BEFRS #BestEverFoodReviewShow #BestEverDisgustingFoodTour #Sonny #BEFRSsaigon #BEFRSvietnam #BEFRShochiminhcity #BEFRShcmc #BEFRSindia #BEFRSuk #BEFRSkorea #BEFRSethiopia #BEFRSthailand #BEFRSperu #BEFRSvietnam #BEFRStanzania #SonnySide #Food #Travel #Food Travel #BEFRSstreetfood #BEFRSseafood #BEFRSseafood #BEFRSasia #BEFRSafrica #BEFRSasianfood #BEFRSafricanfood
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Susanne Smarr, Jim Klingsporn, Leo Lui, Sam Cassidy, Venetia Edmunds, Jack Murray, Eimile Nakoma, Jack Li, Stephen Balasta, Louis Chisari, Ryan Rhodes, Paul Citulski, Matthew Holden, David Baliles, Jackson Li, John Logan.
Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. I travel to different parts of the world, hunting down and documenting the most unique food each country has to offer.
If you see any factual food errors in my videos, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments. I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly, MY point of view. It is not meant to offend any person or culture. Peace!
COLOR & MASTER » Thái Đỗ, Quí Nguyễn
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BEFRS is the new age fear factor but Sonny is not even doing it in competition😂
Armadillo? Don't know. I've eaten Armadillo soup in the high jungle in Ecuador, and it was delicious.
Maybe it was a different kind, but they most likely served you a rotten catch as the meat spoils real fast in that climate, as they once served me rotten cow meat soup that was as disgusting and unedible as it sounds.
The only thing remaining is Sonny now becoming a Cannibal
Nothing I ever tasted made me feel worse than cooked onions… Funny thing, fresh or marinaded are totally fine. Swallow some of everyone's favorite caramelized onions and everything comes right back out, no questions no negotiations nada, just out.
I absolutely love that you are so respectful ❤
He keeps such a straight face! Awesome 😎👍
My mother was fed raw liver as a child 70 years ago as the dr recommended it as baby food . When I was a kid my grandma gave me raw lambs kidney , I just remember it being crunchy , earthy and bloody. Thank goodness it’s not the norm now in Australia.
I bet silk worm pupa are eaten because how much silk worms were worth during the Silk Roads heyday.
Big love from Nagaland ❤
lol watching this while having a meal was not the smartest idea…
For a long time stingray liver was your worst food. You leveled up bro…
The worst thing I ever tasted was rancid chicken, it had been cooked but was rancid before being cooked and the cook didn't notice 😮 30 years on and I swear I can still taste it 🤢🤮
Silk worms are great with rice and veggies, Sonny grab your ball sack you live in Saigon. I live in Hanoi and have done for 18 years. Man up bro
I miss watching your videos, i remember my dad, he died months ago😢
Now do top 10 most delicious foods from around the world!
I love this guy
It tastes semi rotten 🤣🤣🤣
Actually people don't eat dog meat in Assam that is from our sister state of nagaland- another beautiful and mesmerizing state from north eastern India…
Nonetheless awesome video as always ❤❤
I haven't even watched this video yet, but my number 1 food I can't get past is Tarantula. Just the slimy gross insides… there are no redeeming factors there. I don't even care if it's not slimy. Just a hard no for me. Generally insects in general are gonna be a hard sell.. even though I know a Tarantula is not technically an insect, it's an arachnid…or an arachNO for me. Hard pass.
I done the gallbladder dip with my friends from Laos it was so bad they had cow stomach there too and it literally tasted like ship 😂 and yeah I was sick that night never again
Watching this while having a lunch
I thought the pig blood poop soup or what ever it was woupd have been in the top 10. Surpises that it wasnt tbh
Zimbabwean here we do the raw cow stomach thing I hate it tried it one never again
dude sunny is a fucking savage… lol idk how the can keep a straight face this shit got me dying.. id be gagging and throwing up to all these foods.😆
Surprised live fish or coconut worms didn't.make the list
u are fucken killing me
u got balls man, jesus, lmao
8:30 need more videos with Oro lol
0:11 whose that guy?
Betterhelp aint good boss, no like
Sonny you need to live on the world's most popular cucumber dishes for 24 hours. I think that would be fun…for the viewers
you are a nasty man 😁😅
Sunny,ive seen a lot of your ads and i have to ask . How much are they paying you?
The Vegan teacher is crying right now
The hardest part is actually not spitting it out even tho you hate it in front of the host & you definitely haven't done it so far.
Armadillo? That was a surprise, i thought the worst thing Sunny ate was the stingray liver
Poor armadelo 😢