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About the Author: CBS Mornings


  1. So GAYLE, when' s your buddy going to "help" out? You know, OPRAH? The one that got you your job as an over-paid "reader" on CBS? Funny how she's turned off all comments on Instagram due to people feeling a "certain kind of way" about her. 🤣💩

  2. This isn't just a disaster,It was God who created this wildfire.On Holywood,They mocked God and They said that LA is a godless state.But looked what happened now,They mocked God and this is what happened.Lesson of the Day:Never Mock God.

  3. Kardashians house was reduced to rubble. So that’s how I know it’s God’s will. God isn’t corrupt. Remember he made it this way when he started over in the Bible, this was nothing compared to how it was in the beginning. Amen.

  4. Jesus, please,help all energies from the moon 🌙 and all the major stars . Our creator blessed us in this corner of the universe to produce the spiritual technologies for rain throughout California 🙏 Jesus 🦻🌏👂

  5. Lord Jesus inform the energies in out skies instructions to produce rains to put ourmt the flames in California with strict/controlled waters for a ease aftermath 💧 Amen 🙏

  6. This is in fact God’s judgement, it appears that California was mocking God the day before the fires started. It also has been shown that the few people that were not mocking God didn’t not get hurt of the fire. Rest in Peace those who got affected or hurt. There are also other reasons why this happened.

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