Horses are incredibly unique creatures… There are around 600 individual breeds of them in the world today, and although each horse is beautiful in its own way, there are some that really make you stop in your own tracks to admire just how gorgeous they are…. From horses with unbelievable manes , to those with feathers on their legs, and literally the Kim Kardashian of horses use Gypsy with beautiful long girly hair… Here are 25 of the most beautiful horses in the world! Make sure you stick around for #1 if you want to see a real-life golden horse!
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10:51 wowah
7:49 isn’t that harlow?
7:49 isn’t the harlow?
6:42 love how they realise that brumbies are the beautiful horses of austraila.
Truly beautiful creatures
My step mum is from Denmark
I love Arabian they are my fav horse breed but I have never seen one in real life
Dont whipe horse,just talk
You need talk to horse. Keep your voice love and trustfull. Then then you call it horse whisper.
They are all beautiful but Akhal Teke is very different
I'm the most 8eautiful horse.
I'm in America and I see all those horses around
Wondering if permission was recieved for these clips or if they are stolen.
I hate seeing fat people on a horse. I'm fat and I wouldn't dare do that to a beautiful animal. I'm losing weight just so I can someday ride again. If you're fat, stay the hell off of horses
❤❤ FYI, those helicopters ate rounding up the Mustangs, not touring. 😂
Kim Kardashian's "beauty" is manufactured. These horses aren't.
250000pound each
Yes lets not compare these beautiful horses to a Kardashian. Havent you heard of horse sense you idiot?
Fun fact: The move where the Lippizaner can rear then kick in the air is called a Capriole
7:38 I did NOT think the Shetland pony would be on here it’s more cute than beautiful
8:25 same with the fellabella
I agree! These horses are truly gorgeous! Kim is not! They Are in a group of their own. Naturally beautiful inside and out!
Gypsy Horse
The Icelandic horses should have made it on this list.
And i live in a stable, and have four border collies, nine cats and elleven shetland ponies, and i love animals!! And four shires!!!!
The fjord! For im Norwegian, and have five fjords home!!🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
I has a gypsy cob she is beautiful 😍
You need to STOP saying how the kings love them. We don't care. We ALL love them.
Wow! These horses are truly remarkable! I wonder if Mars has any horses as exquisite as these ones :0
Aww, what happened to the Clydesdale breed, and are Thoroughbreds not a breed also? This video shows absolute magnificent creatures of God. K Kardashian have zero to compare with all these horses glory & beauty. Sorry. 💙 New Zealand 😊
Arabian are my favorite
The Oldenburg and Dutch warm blood are amazing horses and I may get one in a few years, I’m just looking for a good horse to train at the moment 😀
Arabian horse >>>>>
The gypsy is my fav, even tho I ❤love 'em all! 😂❤🐎
Man slipper inte ifrån Kardashian här heller!!!!!
They are all so Incredibly beautiful how could you choose? But the no 2 is Fantastic!!
I like the oldenburg, Dutch warmblood, and the morgan
Good comparison to Kim. Not trying to see into her private life. Aside from ? she is a beautiful woman.
What about the Clydesdale? Have folks forgotten who ORIGINALLY brought the Budweizers to the masses? Through snow, and sand…! It was; 1. the Budweizer Clydesdales, THEN
2.the Post Office! Just saying… (with a 1/3 smile)
I grew up with Arabians & had them all my life (I'm 77), so they're my heart horse. But where is the Quarter Horse??? Watching them work cattle & in reining competitions is like watching ballet!
gypsy, akhal-teke, Frisian, dutch, Andalusian, halflinger, all of them actually haha
Fjord only only only
My brain when ho says dressige😡🤬😤😭😫
The Gypsy #2! Beyond beautiful!
The Kim Kardashian comment put me off immediately
الخيول العربيه اجمل واحلا واوفى خيول
Where is the Icelandic horse??😭😭
I love so many of them but it's the gypsy horses for me.
I didn’t see the paint horse or the quarter horse’s mentioned