25 Most Beautiful Horses on Planet Earth

25 Most Beautiful Horses on Planet Earth
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Horses are incredibly unique creatures… There are around 600 individual breeds of them in the world today, and although each horse is beautiful in its own way, there are some that really make you stop in your own tracks to admire just how gorgeous they are…. From horses with unbelievable manes , to those with feathers on their legs, and literally the Kim Kardashian of horses use Gypsy with beautiful long girly hair… Here are 25 of the most beautiful horses in the world! Make sure you stick around for #1 if you want to see a real-life golden horse!

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About the Author: 4 Ever Green


  1. I hate seeing fat people on a horse. I'm fat and I wouldn't dare do that to a beautiful animal. I'm losing weight just so I can someday ride again. If you're fat, stay the hell off of horses

  2. Aww, what happened to the Clydesdale breed, and are Thoroughbreds not a breed also? This video shows absolute magnificent creatures of God. K Kardashian have zero to compare with all these horses glory & beauty. Sorry. 💙 New Zealand 😊

  3. What about the Clydesdale? Have folks forgotten who ORIGINALLY brought the Budweizers to the masses? Through snow, and sand…! It was; 1. the Budweizer Clydesdales, THEN
    2.the Post Office! Just saying… (with a 1/3 smile)

  4. I grew up with Arabians & had them all my life (I'm 77), so they're my heart horse. But where is the Quarter Horse??? Watching them work cattle & in reining competitions is like watching ballet!

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