An elephant comes to drink water near a resting lioness. When the lioness sees the elephant, it’s too late to run, so she hides behind the well. All seems to go well, until the elephant notices her, gets a fright, and sprays her with water. 😂 Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: https://www.latestsightings.com/partnership
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Elephant: You want some? How about nah” lol
So much for the watering hole being neutral groind 😅
Elephant was lucky the lion was alone not in group!
Lions would've jump it!
You can literally see the fear in in the lion's face as the elephant approaches..
This elephant's cheekbones are SNATCHED, GUH!!!
Lion: “Why am I hearing final boss music playing in the background?”
Elephant: “I don’t know man, I’m just getting a drink. I’m thirsty.”
This is a fight between girls
🐘 : what, what are you looking at? Take this 💦 💦
1:54 when your mom steals your snacks
Someone threw testosterone in the water!
His bouncing jog coming in like he doesn't have a care in the world lol I love these animals
Its so loud
The elephant was like “Can I please drink in peace? Stop staring at me“
Love how the elephant cooly sips the water then is like, right, now I’m going to show you who the boss is here
1:52 ASMR Elephant
Elephant was like, The hell are you looking at? Lion was like my bad!
my eaaaaars!!!!
Literally AI
The elephant sprays the water and says "What you looking at?"
lion was Ike "oh damn, is that an earthquake?"
I never knew elephants could make all that noises …this was too cute 🥰
At the end bro really said 🦕🗣🦅🦖
Maybe the elephant is King of the jungle 😮
Elephant is so funny 😂😂😂
Looked like the elephant at 0:15 was rehearsing for what he ended up doing.
Lion is fearless 😊
😂😂 I am in for happy surprise….😂😂😂 such cuties
Elephant to lion: This is my town and don't you forget that.
Why dont i notice how weird elephants look??? Shes drinking out of her nose!! Shes practically got a worm she controls on the front of her face, and i cannot make myself think it looks weird!
That elephant got sick of the lion staring at him, and just wanted to drink some water in peace.
The lion became paranoid
She did not won't her to drink it all by herself. The lion looked drunk
They were not angure
The lion was drinking water the last sip the elephant was chasing her away.
A female lion and elephant 😂
That's two females
Are the lion and the elephant females???