How We Helped a Cat in Need and Found Her Babies
While out feeding street cats, we discovered a group of children torturing a cat by tying a rope around its neck. After rescuing the cat, we comforted her and provided water and food, though she was in shock and didn’t eat. We secured her and the kittens in a cage for safety and continued our journey. Along the way, we found several baby kittens, rescued them, and searched for their mother. After several unsuccessful attempts to reunite them, we brought the family home.
The mother cat, initially uninterested in food and water, eventually reunited with her kittens, bringing us joy. We invited viewers to suggest names for the family and encouraged them to subscribe to support our mission of improving the lives of cats.
My daily routine:
Help stray cats 🐈
Rescue cute kittens 🐈
Feed hungry cats 🐈
Please support us by watching our complete videos and subscribing to our YouTube channel. We share amazing kitten rescues, cute animal videos, and heartwarming cat rescues. Follow us for funny cat videos, cute kitten videos, and much more about baby kittens, stray cats, and newborn kittens. Enjoy the cutest cat videos and help us in our mission to rescue animals.
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Mashallah ❤❤❤ my India state Karnataka 🐈❤❤❤❤
Iam sitting hear crying my eyes out over the rescue of tiis poor cat😢😢😮😮😢😢😢 Omy Dear God you dear men thank you for your love and compassion and of the kittens 😅😅😅😢😢😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤❤
എത്ര വൃത്തി കെട്ട പിള്ളേർ 😡😡
Es mucha maldad😢
God bless you sir
Thank you for rescuing mama cat and her kittens 🥰😘 …god bless you and your team ❤️🌹🙏
These dam kids are bloody cruel 🤬🤬🤬🇦🇺
To straszne co te dzieci robia z tym kotkie, wyrosną na zlych doroslych nie mających współczucia dla zwierzat..dziekuje za ratunek zycia🙏❤️
Pourquoi il font du mal au animaux ses enfants ils sont besoin une bonne éducation ça fait mal au cœur de voir la vidéo 😢
خیر نبینید
فك الخيط من رقبتها ماهذا الغباء
This really pisses me off seeing what those cruel naughty kids did to that poor mama cat. VERY DISTURBING TO ME!!😡😡😡🤬
Des sauvages 😮
I really hate to see the children torchered those pity cats..😡😡
Mali sadyści..😢😢😢
Una vergogna a vedere un gatto legato così bravi
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These kids who abuse animals will get their comeuppance. They are uneducated and will grow up to be bad people and go to jail.😡
I can’t begin to express my emotions watching these brats torturing this cat. Under NO circumstances even kids who live in poor conditions is there any excuse for their appalling cruelty. If they were my kids they would not have been able to sit for a week. I was so so so relieved the rescuers were able to save her. She could have life long repercussions from her ordeal. Thankfully ❤ she was rescued and reunited with her precious babies. I am still feeling VERY angry 😡 but also very relieved. Thank you for your beautiful hearts of kindness, compassion and love. It pains me to know so many animals are suffering through no fault of their own. If I had riches enough, my dream would be to build an animal shelter t protect innocent lives.
Yardım ettiğiniz için sonsuz teşekkürler. Minnettarım size 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 bütün çocuklar melektir derler ama bu çocuklar da eğer acıma hissi yoksa ebeveynleri sevgiyi merhameti vicdanı aşılayamamış demektir yazık gerçekten yazık… İyiki sizin gibi iyi yürekli merhametli insanlar var. İyi ki varsınız. Bu güzelim dünya da iyi yürekli ve merhametli insanlar iyiki varsınız.. dünya sizinle güzel ve anlamlı.. tekrar tekrar sonsuz teşekkürler 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Diser unmenchen uber all last nicht zu Tiere toten schaden stopt böse dringend reinigt Welt von böse dringend tut was stopt böse dringend amen 😢😢😢😢😢
القبح كله يقع على الكبار انهم يشاهدون ولم يقدموا النصح لاطفال الشر الحمد لله انكم انقذتم الام واولادها كان مصيرهم الموت واضح ان هذه القريه متفشى فيها الجهل والعنف
好痛心小朋友會這般殘酷對待小貓,好痛恨當政地政府沒有好好教育人民如何愛惜 動物,也痛恨為人父母沒好好管教子女😡😡😡
아…어쩜 저리도 잔인 하지…아이들이라도….!
Anne bebek kediler kurtardığımız için teşekkür ederim Oturdum ağladım İsyan ettim dua ettim duam şöyleydi o şeytanları yok etsin Bunlar Büyüyünce de terörist olacaklar insanlara zarar verecekler zalim vicdansız Ay çok dehşet verici bir şey izledim
Для съёмок, и добрым можно побыть!!!
Tremendamente consapevoli di quello che stanno facendo! 😡😤
Какие жестокие дети, монстры, бедная кошечка, таскают на верёвке, пусть все им вернётся!!!🙏🙏🙏💯😡😡😡 Родители воспитали монстров, пусть живут в нищете, они это заслужили!!!💯💯👎👎👎