🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/gyoznmQ9vXe8GCcXA
⚫Looking for a dashcam for your car? We recommend VIOFO:
A229 PRO 4K ▶ https://amzn.to/3W2Lnzi (5% off promo code: dash4K229Pro)
VS1 2K ▶https://amzn.to/3W85Xyo (5% off promo code: dashVS1cam)
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. Mark Anthony
2. Le Nifitiest – https://youtu.be/tZs949d0mBA — Wilmington Car Crash
3. hicksvilleshick – https://youtu.be/V97orZpyw1A — CRUNCH!!!! WOAH!
4. Friant Roulette – https://youtu.be/fNfYWCKvHp0 — Careless Driver Crashes
5. West M
6. Dave Howard – https://youtu.be/0CzYdqoNsHg — F150
7. Bilal Cuts – https://youtu.be/PZRyroC0sVI — December
8. Jeff Jones
9. Malamutes and Reef Aquariums – https://youtu.be/MCE5ZyVt-NM — This car accident will wake you up!
10. TheWakeboarder09 – https://youtu.be/zJCeYifJhQI — car wreck
11. CaliDriver2023 – https://youtu.be/rLI1Tqf73xk — Car Crash
12. Anonymous
13. Algerian in Canada – https://youtu.be/gDdbol55f08 — Car Crash
14. Brighton’s Reviews and More – https://youtu.be/kJ27qidUh5c — Truck Rollover
15. Joe Piccirelli – https://youtu.be/4ctw-f8xumQ — elderly woman in her 80’s
16. MrRoberts1782 – https://youtu.be/1OEIHiyNpvs — car accident
17. bucketoftruthify – https://youtu.be/P0hqNvJos6o — 2023 rav4 hit by truck running
18. darkside 1982 – https://youtu.be/ECKQwJy9G7k — car crash
19. Mark Anthony
20. Raj Gohil – https://youtu.be/bUeMmzmtNv4 — crash for no obvious reason
21. Shane D
22. NoStoppingSF – https://youtu.be/i-KSathd6SY — Hit and Run Dash cam Footage
23. JohnnyV
24. DJ Ricoché
25. Michael McKay – https://youtu.be/BzbQ4jdMBHo — Fender bender at school
26. I’m that guy you love to hate – https://youtu.be/tJdbHDhDvDI — another Pretender
27. Anonymous
28. DetroitDriving – https://youtu.be/WECyVO3XPIY — Detroit Dashcam Clips
29. ThePhamtographer – https://youtu.be/V2ynQJFb8Ig — USPS Truck Rear Ends
30. Anonymous
31. ELK RIVER OFF-ROAD – https://youtu.be/3Ue5Z3GYsmk — Truck and Trailer Rollover
32. Anonymous
33. Anonymous
34. Z650 PR – https://youtu.be/lnmOu5tFGHs — Dashcam crash
35. Anonymous
36. u/porch24
37. Erik Lopez – https://youtu.be/Ag0YWFgFy08 — Bad Drivers
38. Gavitronian – — Idiot driver fails to yield to me and abruptly cuts multiple solid lines
39. Anonymous
40. Chinmay Patel – https://youtu.be/77pn13yZ0z4 — Accident Captured
41. Shep Spudz – https://youtu.be/08uR1glRbEQ — 3 Car Crash Boniface
42. Jesse Carver – https://youtu.be/UtcGwWWi1IA — driveway fender bende
43. Zero – https://youtu.be/UH4yjSPFTB0 — Crash
44. Sir Davos
45. Anonymous
46. Dawson
47. Joe
48. Dean Dang – https://youtu.be/eSp1TuNd00w — Caught a car accident on dashcam
49. cache72
50. Tony Montana – https://youtu.be/steh3L12pq8 — Car accident
51. planedoc63
52. Chris Miller – https://youtu.be/PCxJdlBkryA — FILE231202
53. kamran moazeni – https://youtu.be/UZ_RFqIsEx0 — Dashcam footage
54. ZeroFourVee
55. u/echowood
56. Jose
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
VIOFO informed me that they want to send 2 of you guys a VS 1 dashcam so I created a small giveaway here: https://gleam.io/au6u7/viofo-giveaway
It will end in 3 days and at the end I'll contact the winners by email.
It's only for US citizens (not my choice)
6:34–7:40 6 crashes in the same area 😭🙏
31. Lol you can tell that's a married couple
"Pull over and help"
Yeah I'm doing that
"Why did he do that?"
It's ice from the bridge
"We should call 911"
Yes I know
12:28 bro casually listening to Ancient Aliens in the car
#10 is why if i'm on a bike I do not use the road unless it is my only and last option…
ngl when I saw 16 and heard the song I keep singing –
#49 your the problem why would you that🤨thats soo trifling
Is it me or in a lot of these both parties should be at fault since neither one made an attempt to be aware. The amount of people who seem to be on autopilot and snap back to reality with just enough time to honk the horn is astonishing. Not even attempting the brakes. Just horn. Like thats gonna do shit 1/2 second from impact.
The subi ain’t deserve that shi frfr 😂😂
13:22 that whole sequence was stupid.
I saw a literal car that went flipping for the next 6 minutes
Americans have no instinct for survival and conservation, they let themselves go 😮
1:30 indaba kabani 🗣🔥🔥
I just got my license so this video helps me know what to do in this situation thanks for posting it
#20 average mustang driver
7:16 bro what were these 2 girls problem? it didn't hit that car
1:40 bro went off roading
San Pedro CA had so many crashes in one area
The vast majority of these are far from "insane"
I swear every time I see one of this guy’s videos, that road in frenso California appears
5:11 Cans! There was no baby; it was full of cans!
Now that's a crash
3:29 Oh is she's ok
3:28 he hit the fucking bike man Holly shit
13:15 thats what he gets for trying to cut infront of thr other truck -_- some people are fuken stupid and half these are just people being blind I swear to god
I know an ancient aliens video when I hear it
#2 ofc the cop wasn’t found at fault 🙄
Nah that guy in the second clip is mincemeat💀💀 (because the guy he crashed into was the sherif💀)
The way my head snapped up to watch #30 because I recognized my favorite band 😅
Very few people should be driving in the US. California drivers are from hell.
If people refuse to stop for emergency service lights, police and all, their insurance should be null and void if something happens with said emergency vehicle
What is the mirror attached for? What are your eyes for? What was the purpose of the sudden lane change?
It's important to think a little more and drive
Bro leaked my location😂
Handles it like nothing 2:43
7:25 why tf they screaming
Dude I can't wait for my dashcam to arrive. It's scary out there.
7:34 Dang, same place 3 times?