100 SHOCKING Train Crash Compilation Caught On Camera | Best Of Week
WELUCK Channel of footage videos featuring driving fails, bad drivers, idiots in cars, idiot drivers and car crashes. Our videos aim to raise awareness and learn from other people’s driving errors.
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– 100 SHOCKING Moments Of Train Crash Compilation Caught On Camera After Christmas Eve: https://youtu.be/HmY6x4dVYdg
– 110 SHOCKING Moments Of Train Crash Compilation Caught On Camera before CHRISTMAS: https://youtu.be/etnTI16-Xu4
– 100 Shocking Moments Of Train Crash Compilation Caught On Camera Before 2025: https://youtu.be/Af0zxfJpXDE
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#instantkarma #idiotsincars #traincrash #weluck
What's with the 'Nobody was injured'? People must have been injured in many of these vehicle crashes.
2:24 i think that was in IL
Auto and truck crashes are NOT train crashes!!! Stupid AI comments, as always. Just STFU.
5:52 BRO MY EARSS😖😖😖😖
some people are just morons
26:59 Yep, from peace to a war zone because of ONE cultureless culture…
That happened in Brewton AL 17:14
Date: December 2014
Railroad: ns or csx
Metra footage was from a grade-crossing safety demo, DTFR footage was Dept of Transp. testing, truck and car crashes where no trains were involved, NO train crashes at all after 20:54 so basically12 mins. of car crashes with in-accurate info. THUMBS DOWN…CHANNEL BLOCKED.
Wow that car coming off the freeway in that jump, I thought I was watching Dukes of Hazard show Yeah, Ha And Omg the train, hit the log truck splattering all those logs on other cars that had to hurt people badly 😢 And that car hitting that tilted bed tow truck Now I said here we go again with Bo and Luke Duke with car jump 😳 my god 😳
Das ist eine richtige vollidioten Werbung
1:29 the slowest train crash.
Look at LOWBOYS crossing railroad & they become stuck & don't call RR immediately.
I have been hauling flammable liquids for 43 yrs & have to stop & look both ways before crossing railroad & any crossing that is to high stop & backup.
I didn’t expect my heart to race faster than the trains in this video
Is there a special competition to see who can produce the dumbest commentary?!? How bad can it get?
It looks like some people have no brain.
Trying to cross the railway
it's fun towatch these train crashes but they are all old vids . there's only so many train collisions in a year, not enough to show all new clips , so we have channel after channel repeating the same sht over and over .
Every time I see these car crashes, I can't help but think about the idiots behind the wheel. Just ridiculous!
Ah excuse me but the video description says ( 100 TRAIN CRASHES) so what’s with the cars,trucks, and vans! ? “Viewer bait “
I thought that this was all about training vrs cars not cars vrs cars
Seeing trains collide like this shows how destructive a moment of error can be.
I wonder how much of this could have been avoided with better technology.
The power of these machines is both amazing and dangerous.
The aftermath of some of these crashes is unreal.
It’s shocking how often human error plays a role in these incidents.
Train safety education should be emphasized more globally.
Everyone should take train crossing signals more seriously after watching this.
This really puts into perspective how important rail infrastructure upgrades are.
It’s scary to think how many lives are impacted by these crashes.
Trains are powerful, but their safety systems need constant improvement.
Some drivers seem determined to test the durability of their insurance policies.
the videos you create are so interesting i love it
It's amazing how much damage one dumb a** can cause.
27:20 When the bridge is overhead, you go under the bridge, not “over” the bridge.
I can understand a semi getting stuck on some tracks, but never cars. Just stupid drivers.
Is there a reason why ALL of your train videos end up showing just car crashes by the end? Just curious?
Some of these drivers are just idiots and I wonder how they cope with ordinary every day living. They must be able to see and hear a massive train coming and yet still try to beat it. I have no sympathy for them and think they should get a prison sentence for endangering the train driver and any passengers