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About the Author: Panic_Tv


  1. the problem is your just like some of these people out here that don't know to much about fighting because somebody that knows about fightin would understand me when all I said from the begining was that the dark skin boy went it to but naw outta nowhere you wrote A BIG PARAGRAPH talking shit for what though? I already knew he lost I was just giving him his props too just like anybody else would damn it wasn't that serious.

  2. stfu I'm not him and I don't even fuckin know him and naw like I said from the beginning I ADMIT he lost okay oh well like i said he he handles his too and he still got them hands its just he outta shape so naw I wasn't coming at you like that you started wit me nigga don't play innocent like you aint did shit cause you started talkin shit first. and I bet you aint won all yo fights either have you??? shit you win some you lose some but you live to fight another day lol

  3. Damn Dude, Dont Bleed To Death!!
    It Wasnt Like "I" Was Takin Shots At You, So Cool It!!
    Number Of Shots, Ha!! YOU Proved My Point When YOU ADMITTED "Dude Got Tired"…Okay – AND HE LOST, How You Gone Get Mad AT ME For Pointing Out His Downfalls. You Must Be That Dude.. Instead Of Just Saying "He Won" – You Sayin "Luck", Instead Of Just Saying The Darkskinned Dude "Lost" – You Say "He's Tired". Excuses Anyone?? Or You Must Have Been In Dudes Situation Before??

  4. man stfu you aint have to type all that shit my whole point was that the dark skin nigga was puttin in work too his only problem was he got tired and the other dude got lucky and got on top so gtfo with that shit.

  5. Laid Out? Ummm, Can You Fight?? Dude Bout 2 Take A Nap Like The Car Was A Bed.. You Counting Number Of Shots, I Ranking The Impact Of The Shots.. If You Aint The Last Man Standing – Guess What, YOU LOST!! If Someone Had To Step In And End A Fight For You – YOU LOST!! Yeah The Dark Skinned Guy Threw More Shots Out, But Apperently Wasnt Enough To Keep Dude Off Him Is My Point.. Did You See The Knot On The Darkskinned Guy Head?? (Pause @ 2:51).. I Thought He Had A Smartphone Taped To His Shit. LOL.

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