All content used is commercially licensed via Collab Inc. Welcome to Funny Vines! The place with the best videos for a good laugh! Featuring a snowboarder hitting his face on the snow as he backflips!
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This brand new fails compilation has all of the most epic snowboard fails! Featuring a first timer trying to go down a ramp, snowboard tricks gone wrong, snowboarders falling off a skilift, gopro’s recording fails from a POV and more!
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#funny #fails #snowboard #funnyvines Our channel features commercially licensed content from: Collab Clips, America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFV), Launch Pad Entertainment (LPE), VVUK, VIBES, Getsendy, Sarcastic and more!
This is my average snowboard riding experience.
Dopo 33 anni che scio devo beccare ancora uno che sia capace di usre lo snowboard…sempre in terra e rovinano le piste…
[debugging to learn from mistakes]
6:07 If you're catching a toe edge before the rail, you're catching a toe edge.
8:46 If you're catching a heel edge, you might be conducting a symphony or something idk
9:00 If you're catching a toe edge, you might already rock carving on groomed slopes, but suddenly feeling like a bit of taste of the woods
9:09 If you're catching a toe edge, you might be sliding down hill with centroid at your back foot, and your board flat and drifting downhill randomly. It might otherwise be a heel edge catch as well..
9:24 I love penguins especially the Adelie
2:31 The skier should pay the snowboarder tips
1:12 bruh…
Did the guy at 0:45 break his wrist?
1:10 when you have to snowboard with an ice pick in your hand… maybe call it a day or do something else
2:41 reminds me of the time i got a minor cuncussion from the same thing he did
Ice cap zone be like:
So many morons without helmets, darwin at work
Funny, I was snowboarding and I fell foward on my face, but it was steep so I was sliding on my stomach like a penguin, best experience ever
I remember a streamer died because he didn't bring an ice pick
Falling's a great time when it's powder
How do snowboarders introduce themselves?
"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there!"
At 9:52 he started hitting push-ups lmao
1:09 that went down hill fast
Dude the face huck is the new fire, you all need to get practicing LOL
I wanna do this when i grow up on YouTube
Damn. None of these people need to be on boards. stick to a children's snow sled!!!!!!!!
Боже, как это больно, я чувствую