Homie in the red shirt looked like Max from George lopez
Cops react faster now with the white iron fences up.
Good thing the barricades are calming things down.
Bring back public stockades
kind of funny how efficient cops have become at breaking up fights here start blowing the whistle and just swarm the fighters with a mass of fat texan cop bodyweight lmao then the horses come in and seal it off
Been a fan of this channel for years, that being said Austin has some busted ass looking women. I don't think I've ever seen a good looking girl anywhere in the background… So sad, this is probably why people are always fighting..
Damn the two Benny blancos were on that timing😭🤣
This generation of male is so beta. Broccoli hair and vape pens galore. Pathetic.
Whats the name of the music in the first video?
dude in red missed his punch …. what a waste….. dude in black puffy jackets punch hit hard overall these were weak fights.
Wonder what type of camera they use? The night videos are always so bright and high resolution
Is it just this city, or is this how kids across the country now behave? Jesus, some seriously crude, vulgar people on display in these. We need way more abortions offered up. Lots of people who really aren't needed in the world. Always in these videos, for sure.
I'm convinced if someone opens up a boxing gym on that street and then opens it to the public at nights they'll make bank.
"Have a problem in the club, solve it here."
the whistles of the police remember me on red dead redemption 2 xD
Happy Inauguration Day today, I am sure these videos will calm down now that 99% of these aliens will be deported soon. MAGA!!!!
The best way to watch these is at 0.5x trust
Smh these aren't men fighting! These are fools
6th use to be pretty white sorority girls and now it’s Edgars, tortas, and Jamal.
Yea yeah yeah yeah yeah I was dancing to that
Props to the hills have eyes boys.0:40 Crossed eyes yet they both hit the one they thought was directly in front of them. They got the better of that exchange for sure regardless.
They're turning Austin into Tijuana.
chat what camera is this !??
i like these
stop blowing that got damn whistle
Trash everywhere
0:38 what in the fetal alcohol syndrome is he doing? That guys got 270degrees of peripheral vision
I thought 6th street was open to traffic now?
Seems like the new barrier thing isnt that great
Hay! Vatos Locos, otra vez.
austin people, do you consider to do a reality show of this shit?
I’m surprised the guy in the red shirt didn’t get the KO
It's sad how willing people are to just go out and get charges and possibly ruin their lives to look cool in front of strangers who won't remember their name.
As Soon as the video Starts one punch and three people goes down? Classic!!
Camera quality immaculate!
Demographics of 6th street have taken a bad turn
“horse coming thruuuu ☺️🤭💅🏼”
Some of these fights seem to be totally random, like MFs specifically looking for a fight.
New Orleans has used horse patrol for years to help control unruly crowds. With the right training they can move a crowd like a bulldozer. Texas roots run deep with horses and horsemanship no matter how modern times change things. Go get em Cowboys.
Edgar convention
0:02…Video started with somebody already K'Od on the ground. 😁😆‼️
It's like its supposed to happen… Everything is so regular and acceptable… it just feels like that
Working as the police on 6th street must be exhausting haha
Homie in the red shirt looked like Max from George lopez
Cops react faster now with the white iron fences up.
Good thing the barricades are calming things down.
Bring back public stockades
kind of funny how efficient cops have become at breaking up fights here
start blowing the whistle and just swarm the fighters with a mass of fat texan cop bodyweight lmao
then the horses come in and seal it off
Been a fan of this channel for years, that being said Austin has some busted ass looking women. I don't think I've ever seen a good looking girl anywhere in the background… So sad, this is probably why people are always fighting..
Damn the two Benny blancos were on that timing😭🤣
This generation of male is so beta. Broccoli hair and vape pens galore. Pathetic.
Whats the name of the music in the first video?
dude in red missed his punch …. what a waste….. dude in black puffy jackets punch hit hard overall these were weak fights.
Wonder what type of camera they use? The night videos are always so bright and high resolution
Is it just this city, or is this how kids across the country now behave? Jesus, some seriously crude, vulgar people on display in these. We need way more abortions offered up. Lots of people who really aren't needed in the world. Always in these videos, for sure.
I'm convinced if someone opens up a boxing gym on that street and then opens it to the public at nights they'll make bank.
"Have a problem in the club, solve it here."
the whistles of the police remember me on red dead redemption 2 xD
Happy Inauguration Day today, I am sure these videos will calm down now that 99% of these aliens will be deported soon. MAGA!!!!
The best way to watch these is at 0.5x trust
Smh these aren't men fighting! These are fools
6th use to be pretty white sorority girls and now it’s Edgars, tortas, and Jamal.
Yea yeah yeah yeah yeah I was dancing to that
Props to the hills have eyes boys.0:40 Crossed eyes yet they both hit the one they thought was directly in front of them. They got the better of that exchange for sure regardless.
They're turning Austin into Tijuana.
chat what camera is this !??
i like these
stop blowing that got damn whistle
Trash everywhere
0:38 what in the fetal alcohol syndrome is he doing? That guys got 270degrees of peripheral vision
I thought 6th street was open to traffic now?
Seems like the new barrier thing isnt that great
Hay! Vatos Locos, otra vez.
austin people, do you consider to do a reality show of this shit?
I’m surprised the guy in the red shirt didn’t get the KO
It's sad how willing people are to just go out and get charges and possibly ruin their lives to look cool in front of strangers who won't remember their name.
As Soon as the video Starts one punch and three people goes down? Classic!!
Camera quality immaculate!
Demographics of 6th street have taken a bad turn
“horse coming thruuuu ☺️🤭💅🏼”
Some of these fights seem to be totally random, like MFs specifically looking for a fight.
New Orleans has used horse patrol for years to help control unruly crowds. With the right training they can move a crowd like a bulldozer. Texas roots run deep with horses and horsemanship no matter how modern times change things. Go get em Cowboys.
Edgar convention
0:02…Video started with somebody already K'Od on the ground. 😁😆‼️
It's like its supposed to happen…
Everything is so regular and acceptable… it just feels like that
Working as the police on 6th street must be exhausting haha