German shepherd Giving birth to 9 puppies – (First Litter)

German shepherd Giving birth to 9 puppies -  (First Litter)
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A detailed video of a GSD giving birth to 6 males and 3 females. 6 sables and 3 bi colors .A total of 9 puppies were born on the 5th of June 2020. 3 puppies were weaker than the others and struggled for milk but all the puppies are now healthy and much stronger. Stay tuned for more content.

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  1. IIRC the mum licks the bellies of the puppies to stimulate their bowels and allow them to expel whatever is in their intestines, and to stimulate breathing.

  2. These people are too busy body. they should leave the dog alone to give birth. The dog does not need them "handling her newly born children. She knows what to do. Just can't leave nature alone.

  3. In this video you see that this German SHEPHERD is giving birth and the owner is helping her but I remember years ago when my female cat was in labor and was acting very erratic and my daughter was watching and she told me that she was about to give birth, and sure enough the kittens started to come out,she had 8 kittens and she carried each one to my daughter's room, but she allowed her to help her give birth, it told me that she trusted us, and my daughter got good homes for every kitten. And they were all very healthy, and she took very good care of each one.

  4. Why aren’t they allowing her to stimulate them and eat the after birth when they come out? They are taking them and immediately wiping them down. It’s not the normal birthing process for dogs.

  5. I can't believe this mother knew how to massage that last puppy back to life ,if you can't believe there's a God,I pray for you,, how do the puppies know where to go to nurse, ,this is amazing,

  6. Hallo was gibt ihr für Milch seid ihr bekloppt, die Muttermilch ist das beste, wie dumm ihr euch hier darstellt und die ganze Welt🌏 kann sehen was für spa stieß ihr seid man sollte euch die wegnehmen das ist Tierquälerei

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