Homeless Man Gives Up Puppy To Save Him❤️#doglover #dogowner #dogshorts

Homeless Man Gives Up Puppy To Save Him❤️#doglover #dogowner #dogshorts
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This homeless man has no home but he has many dogs. When the woman dropped by one more time he said that he lost 17 dogs recently mostly from the cold and from unclean food.

The woman showed him the video she took of him the last time she was there and showed him the numerous comments of strangers wanting to help.

But before asking for help for himself, he told the woman that he has many dogs that can be adopted. He acknowledged that although he loves his dogs, he can’t care for all of them.

Before long, a fan arrived to adopt a puppy. The dogs are friendly and happy to see visitors, a testament to how well the man cares for them. He told the dog’s mother that her child is about to be saved by a kind man and as she watched on she cried.

It was a sad sight but necessary because the man wants to make sure that as many dogs go to safe and warm homes as possible. Even if he has to be left all alone.

Before long, he received a message from his friend talking about another abandoned dog but when he got there, the dog was already dead. He was angry and upset saying that if he has to spend thousand he would spend it to save the dog. This makes us wonder what he could’ve done to end up homeless. Did you spend all his money saving his dogs?

Right now, more dogs are in the process of being adopted and people are also donating resources to him. Let’s hope him and his dogs will get what they need.


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About the Author: Wholesome Animals


  1. Humans can get help and ask for help . These poor helpless animals God created for our pleasure n help are suffering in the hands if cruel selfish people. I don't believe a person who dislike hate n do not help animals will geniunely love humam but help to get blessed n good name.if u love ur pets u will defineatly love suffering stray animals. God will punish the wicked. He looks into our hearts. God will not bless but satan might to disease or trick.

  2. God is there by like you people My God my God you people are the mining of Love ❤️ real mining of Love is you people ❤️ God bless you my friend God bless 🙌 🙏

  3. Why couldn't the person take the mother dog too and not seperate them, she's beautiful, I hope she ends up in a good home. Bless the man who cares about these dogs.

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