7 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

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7 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. I can’t see a Roman soldier. All I see is some lady in a knee length dress with her calves showing. Belt around her waist. One arm on her side and one crossing over her body.

  2. If you pause the video at 0:16 … doesn't it look like that worker saw the shadowghost and got frightened about it? I mean it looks like they ran out of the room in a panic.

  3. The creature caught by the low light camera in the woods looks like a man donning a rubber "fit over" mask. Not just used in Hollywood, criminals wear them while robbing banks.

  4. The first video of a black child like shape is a demon or shadow entity, drawn by the suffering of the child who died on that ward earlier that day. There are more information about this incident the channel can get hold of. Spirits of the deceased never look like a person. You can capture an orb or faint light outline. The apparitions of people that you can see is something projected to your third eye by the spirit. Since they do not exist within the 3 dimensions they can't get caught on camera. Demons can though and often imitate the ghost of a deceased to get humans to interact with them.

  5. Number 5 I have happened to me every time I try to film a fire a night, right after you see the figure, you see a purple glow, that purple glow is from the camera because of the fire but right before it turns that purple glow, I have never seen.

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