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Magnificent Puppies Protected By Fierce Dog All Are Rescued
Traci Bell shared the following on her social page.
Shyne Sun contacted me last week about trapping a pregnant dog before she has her babies. Well, before we could finish making a plan she disappeared for a couple of days, Uh oh, we know what that means, she had her babies. Sure enough, she popped out and was skinner.
Friday after I got home from trapping the husky I put out a post asking for volunteers to search a wooded area at Mission San Jose on Saturday, looking for where momma had her puppies.
Wow, I was so overwhelmed by the response of people wanting to come out and help We over 10 people show up and we had a special guest Tom McPhee the animal film maker, stay tuned for when he gets his film out about this adventure. (This is the first of 4 videos from this event.)
We started walking a grid line toward where we knew mom would run while observing her the past few days. We heard barking from in front of most of us and headed to it. I came up on a very defensive momma dog standing her ground with Emily Casso doing her best to back up and not get bit at the same time.
While most everyone was trying to get her attention and back up out of the woods, a few people circled back to find the puppies while mom was distracted.
We brought the trap in and put babies in it for bait, she wouldn’t go in, only circled. We put all the babies in a crate zip tied and covered to the back of the trap for bait. Still wouldn’t go in so we put in it and she would only go in enough to take the trail food and back out.
We were getting ready to start hauling the Missy trap components through the field into the woods and deploy it with puppies and food, when a few people wanted to try one more trick using the puppies as bait again with a different set up. They took off in the woods and text a little while later and said got her.
Mom and all 8 puppies are now safe with a foster through Wilson County Animal Shelter Inc, thank you Brandy Barnett. Mom was a completely different girl once she realized she was safe.
Thank you to everyone that shared my post, and those who came out (please show this with anyone I did not tag if you brought your friend or family member).
Special thanks goes to my new favorite trapping assistant Shyne Sun, and to Tom McPhee. Shyne Sun I hope you had the best birthday weekend ever. You are a super trooper rockstar. Tom McPhee thank you for documenting this save and for putting up with all of us, you got to see the comradery we call rescue family.
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
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#dog #doglover #puppy
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Graças a Deus ainda existe anjos na terra para salvar esses anjos inocentes e indefesos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dziękuję za uratowanie piesków.,Ich mama była zdenerwowana,po prostu się bała o swoje dzieci. 🙂
Esos animales los llevan a esos refugio y son maltratados
I like how this is being done. The other rescue videos, from overseas, seem to be staged. They always find a dog in a really bad way but stand around recording it when it's obvious the animal needs help now. Then when they get puppies, they always wipe it with baby wipes and then give it a 30 minute bath. They look like those monkey videos they always act like they're saving but aren't. They act like rescuers just to get money. You guys seem real. I like that.
se apenas uma pessoa tivesse oferecido biscoitos, poupariam todo este trabalho.
از کمک کردن به این حیوانات کوچولو فرشتههای قشنگ سپاسگزار اون حیوون ترسیده کل بچههاشو داخل قفس میذاشتی شما که خودتون این کاره هستید تجربه اومد بو کرد حس کرد مابقی بچههاش نیستن رفت دنبال اونا تشخیص نمیده که شما دوستش هستید من کمکش کنید تمام بچههاشون میذاشتی داخل قفس خودش میرفت داخل قفس اینجا دستگیر هر کدومشون یه دونه توله سگ گرفته دست راه افتاده اون حیوون نگرانه به هر حال سپاسگزارم از❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
So, Many people , she will be more aggressive for her puppies. Love and care is much more important.❤
Thank you for caring. May God continue to bless you so that you may continue saving lives and giving love. In Jesus name Amen
This rescue definitely took a village, thanks guys for your persistence, patience and love for this very scared and protective Mama and her extremely young babies!!
Gorgeous mother protecting her puppies least people care
Wow you guys are amazing. Thank you guys for all hard work and dedication.
Thank God for recuse beautiful mom 🐕 and puppies 🐕 🐶 living life's really really matter you all hard working 💪 outside 💪 in cold 🥶 saving Beautiful mom 🐕 and puppies 🐕 🐶 in greatest dangerous cold 🥶 A freezer to death with the baby puppies.Mama would be very upset.heart broken Thank God you're out there. Given second Chance for better living life's ✨️ 🙏 God bless you all angels 😇 🙏 ❤️ 💖 ♥️ 💛 😇
Did you take the momma
Nice work Lola will be safe and warm with her puppies now. Thank you 🎉🐕😊
Amazing, please be kind to animals ❤️🌹
Where is that at in the what state is it in I've never seen woods that are so bare like that before
Thank all of you for your help with the time and effort finding the dog family and getting them safe and warm
Thank you all for your work and your time for helping the dogs