Terrifying Paranormal Videos That Show Ghosts Poltergeists & Demons Bullying People #63 WARNING

Spread The Viralist




🎵: MYUU 🎹


All audio used in this and my other videos are all free to use and royalties and copyright ©️ free sounds. All audio is by music composer Myuu. Written and played by him. No copyright infringement has occurred. All permissions given and agreed by Channel/Music owner Channels details above 👆










Scariest Paranormal Videos That’ll Give You A Nightmare Before Christmas #62 DEMONIC ACTIVITY

Scariest Paranormal Favourites Extended Edition #61 WARNING DONT WATCH ALONE: Part 1

Horrifying Videos That Show Urban Exploring Can Be Bad For Your Health #3 WARNING GRAPHIC SCENES

Scary Paranormal Videos That Show Ghosts Poltergeists & Demons #60 WARNING SCARY

Scariest Camping Videos Caught On Camera: Forest Encounters: WARNING

Scary Paranormal Videos That Show Ghosts Poltergeists & Demons #59 WARNING SCARY

Scary Paranormal Videos That Show Ghosts Poltergeists & Demons #58 WARNING CREEPY CONTENT

Scary Videos Of Paranormal Activity That Will 100% Steal Your Sleep: WARNING DISTURBING SCENES

Scariest Caving Videos Gone Horribly Wrong: CLAUSTROPHOBIA WARNING

Scariest Deep Web Found Footage With Background Information Part 1: WARNING


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    So im planning on making shorter videos 45min or so but much more frequently insted of 1 long video a month but I need the algorithms help. So can I ask you all to share my video with atleast 1 friend or family member. I hope I can count on ur support…The Darkknight…PEACE ❤

  2. Not gonna lie the 1st video is a good watch, but in the same breath lots are darn good at overlaying sound, editing, and incertion along with visual effects. Either way it's deceiving to the public and the ones that have real paranormal issues in there home! I work with thee elderly community and I have lots of stories I've seen, heard, smelled and lived thru. Another thing folks do wrong is immediately communicate and acknowledge it. Stay spooked. 🖤👻🖤

  3. Residual haunting don't just start one day though,doesn't happen..an intelligent haunting can still walk up and down stairs and not bother with you but she states its pushed her..that's not Residual

  4. Hey DK! That one about that womans dog was just in my mind heartbreaking and I'll tell you why! Im on my #6 dog but i kept 2 of my dogs ⚱️!! Bears my first dog, and I've got pictures of him as well!!! My 2nd was a mini poodle 🐩 Gino!!! The others were buried in places we lived!! I still have my last dog MIA!! Shes still alive but I believe that if you've got a dog and they love you so much and you love them just as much, they aren't going to leave you because of the love that both have for each other and memories of what they had or have of being with you!!!? But with mine i have always known when they're around me in spirit !!! So i TOTALLY understand and believe in that and i believe her!!! And I don't think its creepy or scary!!! Just dont be cross at your dogs spirit and make sure your pets got a spirit guide that will show her where she has to be and go and that shes always welcome to come and visit ftom time to time !!! Youve got to speak to them like a person they understand what you're saying!!!!! !!!! 🍁🇨🇦🍁💔✝️🛐🙏❤🐕🐩🦮🐕‍🦺🕯️🧸🦴🦴🦴💋💗💘💘 NEVER be afraid of your (pets, members) even when they are in their spirit form!!!! ❤

  5. Man I enjoy the content but I don't see how elf on a shelf, a ghostly grandma, supposed ghost dog, two kitchens draws sliding in and out or a door slamming can be labelled as terrifying paranormal bullying nor demonic at all I don't know if you are struggling with footage but this literally had maybe 10 minutes max of anything remotely paranormal none of it was scary the titles of the content don't match at all leaving lots to be desired I really don't care about the people going to get defensive like I'm trolling you watching the same boring thing as in the blanket moving around in 97 different clips is a major let down what happened to the good cases you would cover I've only been subbed for less then a month safe to say I've powered through your content the first videos I watched and I will say this was an impressive amount honestly had me locked up tensely in bed as I watched some I even contemplated on turning off and finishing in the light of the morning desperately wanting to lower my headset volume as I said big fan of what you do just something is holding you back on let's get those really terrifying cases coming back in

  6. I had a brindle pit for about 5 years. He got under the fence one late night and got hit by a ups truck. Guy at gas station said ups driver ran him down. The next night I had fallen asleep on the couch. I was heart broken as he was my best friend. I woke up and he came in to the living room he looked like he was solid . I thought he was there. He came to me and layed next to the couch. He seemed to look like he was made of static from the TV. It was on so I thought it was tv reflecting off him. It didn't register. I thought that there had been a mistake and he was still alive. I was so tired. I was so glad he was back. I told him hecwas good dog. That I missed him and had been so worried. But I passed out. I woke up and immediately started to look for him. Then I started thinking about how he looked and how quiet he was. He looked guilty for getting out. I had chipped him . That's how he was identified. Broke my heart. But I know he came back to let me know he was OK. He was barely 4. God I loved that dam dog. I'm actually choking up thinking about him. He was there through a very difficult time in my life. Still miss him. I'm not a believer in anything. You either know or you don't. I know there is another side. Seen to much to make any excuses or do mental gymnastics to lie to myself. I have died twice. No joke. Not sure what is next but there is a next and the crap that we have been told by the rich and powerful is a lie. Straight up lie. But that is how some are spoken to…. I guess. I believe that whatever created us doesn't need a mouthpiece to speak to me. I don't need anyone to tell me what to believe. We are all created by the same thing. Not sure what. I just wish we could come together under the truth and go from there and fix the injustice that has been applied to our world in the name of greed and power. Do the right thing. We all when we are not doing the right thing. Any gymnastics involved? Probably not the right thing to do. It makes you feel good in your heart. Probably the way to go. To much hate for no reason ..

  7. I really do hope its Frenchie. I know the paranormal is real because my grandmother came to visit me a couple times after she passed. But i thought the same thing watching the video. I really hope for her sake its not an evil entity playing on her emotions.

  8. The dude with his grandma's house is hoaxing it big time. Those "letters" were force-aged. Absolutely no way even incredibly acidic paper turns that uniformly brown but is also still crisp. It's bullshit,

  9. Hey dark Knight long time sub I believe. It's good to see something nice happen to good people Tonya I will be praying for you. it's sad don't misunderstand me but at least her haunting isn't a demon.I've been going through my own little thing and I'm almost positive it's either ba'al or belial but I wanted to say thank you for another great video looking forward to seeing the next one

  10. I believe for sure but dont believe its her dog its something bad pretending to be so.ething good to gain trust. The devil amd his minions will always appear as an angel of light

  11. Hey abby,why ended up giving away the chucky ;u shouldn't b scared ,its ur baby..u long for it right,asking it to join u almost daily,when she came u toss her away.how ungrateful n insolent soul u r, but tell u what,u dump her,,doesnt mean she gone..still there but of course with vengeance. Nomore love and longing like before. Maybe human r the real evil..bcs even devil dont hurts feeling like humans do,call when u want,kick when u u think u r done.. guess ur guest will 5each u a lesson or two.if u knew enough,sleep with one eye open okaaaayyyyyy mommmmyyy

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