Tyler1 Dies Laughing at Asmongold vs Yamato

Tyler1 Dies Laughing at Asmongold vs Yamato
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  1. If pirate doesnt spend days leading up to this talking down to everybody, and boasting how his skills and how mage can salvage bad situations then the vote goes different.

    If anyone followed Pirates subsequent drama in other games the guy is racing to destroy his reputation and any good will.

  2. I used to hate asmon for how he talk. but, in this instance, he is right. I re analyzed the incident.
    1. yamato shout "run run run" and ozy as shotcaller called "run"
    2. pirate blizz the mob, blink
    3. they got onto the other ramp, pirate spotted a patrol group, tries to get out the way while minding 3rd packs
    4. yamato ask to heal the tanks, the priest come back to heal on the patrol route
    5. pirate blink 2nd time after spoting yamato in the screen
    6. immediately after the blink, yamato shouted "why are you running ? this is salvageable" at this point he waste ~1k mana for 2 blinks
    7. pirate turned waiting for the party to show up by the 3rd packs, they don't showed up, imho pirate guessing they pulled the patrol group and pull back
    8. due to yamato and druid positioning they pulled the 3rd packs
    9. pirate again turned around spotted the group running, cast frost shield, try to save the group
    10. priest died, pirates correctly guess the run is doomed, bails out
    11. yamato tries to blind(not stun) the boss(I guess this is after the druid died, or right before it)
    12. yamato and ozy out

  3. Im sorry but the guy who bit his arm and started bouncing in his chair like a toddler who didnt get his way should be locked away from other humans. That guy needs help

  4. What amazes me is that Yamato called run run run, while running, his back line oroperly left (its rear line ofc theyll leave quicker) and with no where near enough time to discern whats going on and turn back to help, hes yelling at the dude he told to run

    I think that little tid bit of incompetentecy should clear pirate but thats just me

  5. When the call to run was made and confirmed by someone else pirate running is not his fault
    and that its the person who called run is at fault for poor communications

  6. You can say it was this persons fault or that persons fault but if I was playing mage there no one would have died. I have only leveled mage up to 60 once, in classic. And then i quit the game immediately after. Im still a better mage than pirate. Asmongold is clearly using his status of a wow eldritch loser gamer to appeal to authority and protect his business partner Pirate, no one who actually knows anything about the game thinks what pirate did was appropriate, it was an EASY save for mage.

  7. "I dont want to. I dont want to talk to you. Thats the reason, I'm not gonna sit around hand have a debate with you for why someone else is wrong for listening to your call. it is a waste of everyone's time"

    lil bro'd the clout chaser into the ground.

  8. I wasn't aware of the back and forth drama of this and the community drama. I don't know why anyone is blaming pirate if the group could have handled it without his cc. Yamato was making a bad call and won't admit it and from basic principal you are gonna have the divide of roach out and going down with the ship mentality. Pirate is also a noob given how casually he shits on everyone anyone whom play mages know high skill cap is required so he shouldnt be talking as a roach

  9. If you say run. I run if I can help you I will. But if you get mad at me for running, then I’m gonna tell you you made a dumbass call. You shouldn’t have made the call that’s on. You don’t blame me because you’re a dumb dumbass made a bad call.

  10. When someone says run, what usually gets people killed is second-guessing that. When you make a call, you stick to the call and then salvage the situation after you’ve regrouped.

    But you’ve also don’t get close to other enemies while you’re running away like a couple of the other people did and pulled the third group. So blaming Thor for running when the other people made more fatal errors than he did. It’s just trying to deflect away from their mistakes.

  11. No he is saying that the tank messed up not puling back drawing in the second pull with boss even though they could see it. Yamato calling run when he meant back off. You missed the point where he found the druid had pulled a third group at the door. Which was the final nail in the coffin which was why it was unsalvagable. He also said that yamato making a big deal out of it and trying to blame pirate is blame sharing instead of being objective about what actually happened so they could learn and try to not do it again and from what ive heard about ozy kind of seems like they need to start. If you dont figure out exactly who messed up and where how are you supposed to learn and not do it again. In the end he says it was a bunch of small mistakes that led up to this and trying to shove blame on someone for listening to your call is just blame sharing. Honestly if they wanted to try and salvage it the call shouldve been back off to either the circle or all the way around the corner in between where thor stopped and the door to make sure they didnt pull the third one. Which thor knew and was why he stopped there. He was also about to turn when he got to the corner of the door and heard someone tell sippy i think it was to just run. Which granted wasnt to him but all i heard from the group is runrinrunrunrun and just run. No one said anything about it being salvagable or had made any plans to try and make it salvageable. Thor saw all these little mistakes and said im not putting my character in danger to help these guys i dont really now try to escape the death that they put themselves in. If they had all ran out everyone wouldve survived or maybe if calls and teamwork were better but even if they had the third group wouldve wiped them.

  12. I always play tank in games as it is my favorite role. Have not played WoW but when I watched the clip, I knew their tank missed multiple opportunities to get the aggro. Stop blaming the mage and just play better as tank. Playing a different role is another option. Not everyone can play and be an effective tank anyways.

  13. All these people are viewing this like it were League. In League, sometimes you can turn fights around if you stick together as a group. Wow ain’t like League, if you fuck up a pull, you gtfo.

  14. Yamato needs to be taught how to shot call an MMO. 'Run' is full retreat. If you want to leave re-engage as an option you call 'back'. This is a simple lack of experience on his part versus someone who is used to MMOs reacting to the call made. As T1 has pointed out in alot of his takes on this pirate software isn't part of their long term group. While the people who've played with Yamato enough probably know to leave the possibility of re-engage open you can't expect that of someone new to the group. Especially when the wrong call is given.

    In the end I just wish the viewers would chill. This whole thing is probably 90% content and only 10% actual beef but the community are too busy riding the streamer to realize it isn't that deep.

  15. I was hoping Tyler would see the part where the druid jumping into the 3rd pack is actually what killed the priest. The tank didn't have threat on that pack so the healing threat pulled them onto her after the druid jumped into them, which after killing her they turned to the druid and killed him too. I think the druid is more at fault because of that then pirate for just walking out since his action killed the healer and himself while pirate's inaction might have slowed some but he would've also been killed by that pack since he would be next threat after druid.

  16. Pirate didn't look like the bad guy at this point, but the drama brought out his true colors and he lost a lot of respect and tanked his reputation.

  17. Yamato, druid, priest, AND warrior were holding cooldowns and complaining that the low mana mage didnt run back into melee range and die when the morons stood there and died. Yamato has gouge, kidney shot, vanish cheap shot, and blind for the dogs, and has zero dps. He isnt fighting or ccing, hes trolling more than anyone

  18. >Yamato calls "Run run run run"

    >Tank calls "Just run."

    >Pirate runs

    >Yamato runs but slightly closer

    >Yamato says "this is salvageable!" while Pirate is already gone, since "Run" has been called 5 times by two different people

    >The druid asspulls a 3rd pack jumping around like a fool while Yamato is still just standing there watching

    >The healer dies

    >Pirate leaves

    >Yamato blinds a cc immune boss moments before he too leaves

    Say what you want about the max rank 1 tick blizzard that Pirate threw down, at least it probably did more than Yamato's blind.

  19. Blaming Pirate Software for the Dire Maul North wipe is oversimplified. The real issue was a chaotic overpull, poor leadership, and miscommunication. Pirate acted rationally in prioritizing survival, but the failure was a team issue, not just one player.

  20. Much of the reaction to Thor’s situation seems less about context or complexity and more about framing him negatively to fit a narrative. The fixation on finding “proof” over the last two years says more about the community’s desire to validate their perspective than about Thor’s actual actions.

    If the goal is to write or discuss this meaningfully, it requires digging deeper and presenting a balanced view—acknowledging faults where they exist but not letting them overshadow the bigger picture. Otherwise, it’s just fuel for the echo chamber, not real insight.

  21. Why do so many ppl hate asmondgold recently lol. He 100% is a good wow player. He’s not the greatest but he’s definitely a good player.

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