CaseOh Reacts To “10 SCARY Videos of Ghosts Caught On Camera !”
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I love that when the child in the first clip is supposed to be "talking" she's either completely offscreen and never shown or just straight up has a pacifier in her mouth.
Caseoh needs to watch Sam and Colby for some what real horror video
Yo!! I watch this channel all the time!! It's very good for the spooks👻
caseOh haunted house stream when?
4:33 there’s actually a planet called Kepler 22b which might have life on it because it had properties similar to earth
The gooooooooooooooooooooooooo😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
27:25 look at case's breakfast lining up
man ofc he wont believe he just skips the vid lols
Day 1 requesting to play roblox fisch(ik going to request nonstop)
love nukestop5. some videos might be fake but i enjoy it nonetheless
Hes so big that I can only see 1% half of the screen
I strongly believe in the paranormal I seen something when I was 14 I was sleeping and I woke up some time in the night I don’t know what time it was since I didn’t have a alarm clock but I saw clear as day a women in my room wearing old tattered clothing and I know it wasn’t sleep paralysis since I could move and speak I said “hello?” Cuz I was confused af and the figure reversed out of my room like re winding a tv show or movie on tv to this day I have no clue wtf happend that night
CaseOH needs to go to a hunted place with the boys like moistcritical
At 11:02 that ghost is her reflection on the door from the lights that are on behind her
So this is okay – but when Caspersight tried to review – Nuke says stop????
I love how fast he can make up excuses to deny that its not haunted 😂 Self gaslighting at peak lol and it makes it less scary compare to other reactors and i don't get flashbacks before going to bed so i love watching him
Who thinks Caseoh should react to hypemike 😅😮
case on what f*cking planet is that a cat 💀💀
Cardiff England ??? That makes a whole lotta sense
pooped my diaper to this one
ghosts of carmel maine. think thats how its spelt. i remember that being a good ghost story with some good videos. oh yeah, and that story of that child ghost with the dented head (dear david). the guy had some pretty convincing pictures.
This dude funny as hell.. for the most part I agree most these videos are fake as hell but paranormal shit does exist
I would love to see caseoh collab with Sam and Colby, and see if his opinion changes.
Ofc red neck don’t believe ghost smh 🤦🏻♂️
Okay, where tf is the thumbnail from?
I hate you so I hate you. I hate chase. Oh Lil bro was saying you’re looking at the door. Literally kids has imagination that they actually see them. Their parents cannot see like get this trash guy out of here.
To me watching this, I be telling myself “shut up Caseoh” go to a haunted place then
I wanna see Caseoh go ghost huntinh solo at night, would be hilarious to see him run screaming. 🤣
Nukes top five is trash
see the thing about mob ghosts is they know not to snitch twice 🤣
CaseOh has convinced me, ghosts are BS
Bro doesnt believe in ghosts but believes in aliens. Make it make sense honestly.
10:00 mical miyers????
Not even a minute in and “goo 👉goo👉 goo 👉goo 👉goo 👉goo 👉goo 👉goo 👉
Why is that first girl built like the mewing filter
13:01 looks like a nightmare from god of war 4 or its maybe just fishing string
28:59 there’s a modern day Green Bay packers logo
Why does every time someone knocks on the door they open it even if you don't know who that is? We believe in the Philippines if someone knocks on the door and you look no one is there. Once you open the door you let them inside your home
Aww third
Caseoh so 😂😂😂
W Caseoh frfr 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️. I love Caseoh.