8 Most DISTURBING GHOSTS Caught On Camera | WARNING: These Will Give You NIGHTMARES.

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Top 8 GHOSTS Caught on Camera! (DON’T Watch ALONE 😱)

This is a Top 8 packed with ghosts and spine-chilling moments! We’ll dive into a variety of terrifying stories of allegedly REAL paranormal encounters. Expect to see apparitions, eerie EVPs, ghost hunters in action, creepy TikTok ghosts, and everything else lurking in the spooky realm of the supernatural. Still reading? You’re in for a treat! There’s a ghost caught on camera in a haunted house, a poltergeist wreaking havoc in a business, a ghost captured on a Ring cam/CCTV, and so much more.

💬 Comment Below: Which clip scared you the most? Have you ever experienced something paranormal? Share your stories!

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About the Author: Grandma's Nightmares


  1. This video is a bit longer than usual, but I’ve packed it with some truly chilling and captivating moments. I hope you enjoy every second of it and find it as fascinating as I did while creating it!

  2. Oh Grandma your gonna have to do better than this, I believe the real nightmare is the water bill from the damn ghosts turning on the faucet. Hey ghosts pay the bills or get the hell out eh. Right every body….

  3. Someone wanna tell me why a grown ass man has a cupboard full of dolls?! And why when he heard those footsteps going towards his daughter, did he not run out to protect her? Just assumed to ghost leave her alone? First guy Aaron, I am convinced. This one, Bobby not so much. Why would he continue to let his little girl stay there putting her life in danger? Either he is a dolt or shite for a father!
    PLEASE Stop saying "the choice is yours" It is completely irrelevant and illogical either what is happening is happening or isn't happening, what WE think about it has nothing to do with it.

  4. When we die we don't realize we are dead at first. Just feels as real as you feel right now. If you are saved by the Blood of Jesus then you are drawn away but if you are not saved, the dark ones come for you. Similar to the movie ghost with Patrick swazee

  5. Very easy to fake paranormal videos if your camera has special effects you can do anything and after you done go into the special effect take anything out so it looks like spirits in your house

  6. I don't understand why people live in the houses or apartments if something is not right about the place it's time to move out period and I know some will follow you but it's best to get God involved that's if they follow you

  7. OK folks technically ghosts do not exist but…………There are objects or figures stuck in the 4th and 5th dimension coming through to our 3rd dimension. Are they dead people who have died? Well no but scientifically ghosts do not exist and that is a fact! Think about how many staged videos out there just to make $$$$££££. Ghosts only exist on YouTube channels chasing the click bait money tree. Remember every video has a camera facing in the obvious direction which is the real give away of a staged set up!

  8. They sure do have heavy footsteps to be shadows. And to be ghosts, they definitely do some goofy shit like moving shit around, playing peek a boo, and playing with the lights. At best you'll get a hilarious scream or two. I don't know what's funnier ..the screams of the people or the screams of the ghosts.

  9. Your voice reminds me of the woman on The Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House album by Disney. Although yours is much creepier. Love to hear you do that!

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